Hi, I’m fairly new to this but determined to learn but I’m having many issues.
Faces are a problem even on the lowest HD settings and they show up even worse when playing on my smart TV.
My smart TV only seems to play MP4 on resolution 1920-1080 but it doesn’t mind high frames like 120
I always stick with Deinterlace footage 60FPS and Motion Deblur alongside frame interpolation but not sure why as I can’t tell if frames are being duplicated in the first place
All my videos are from mainly VHS tapes so I’m wondering if anyone knows of better ways to enhance them in order to eliminate funny-looking faces LOL
Any help would be appreciated, I’d even pay for lessons
if you could guide us through the steps you taking to upscale that would help a lot.
If you export your videos as MP4 (H264 or H265), would that work?
By this statement I assume you select your Upscale option of Interlace and Dione:TV (or DV)?
This is required for Interlaced source videos. to get detailed info on your video you can use the free tool “MediaInfo”, it will also tool you the frames/fps.
if the above settings doesn’t workout for you {Dione:TV (or DV)}, try those two methods below.
You also might want to give @TomaszW presets a shot (in combination of one of the two methods below - It can’t be used on interlaced source, you must de-interlace those to progressive scan 1st - the methods below show you how as well ). it might workout for you better.
Hi, thank you so much for responding, I will try the 2 options you suggest and get back to you, I hope you don’t mind me popping back and forth with questions, I work full time and I believe we are hours apart in time difference, just a quick question, I was too worried to use the stabilisation tool as it said pixels wouldn’t match is this nothing to worry about?
I think first and for most we need to understand the step-by-step about what you are doing.
You mention that your videos are from VHS, are you extracting them? What are the output settings?
I’m not sure if 60 fps will be the best setting in this case, most of old things are 24fps or 30fps and by making a copy of it in 60 will only add more frames and not useful information. In fact, with AI if your input have more frames it not nesserarily means that the AI have more information to work, it means that it have more frames to deviate in between the frame sequence. So if you want to reach 60 or 120 to later on use as slowmo in other video, it will be easier for you, your pc and the AI to work first with less fps, and once everything lookgs good, then you just upscale the frame size or the fps, if you really need.
Some of the filters could miss behave depending on the video, and what is happening in the video (stabilization vs camera motion for example). And by that depending of the issue you are trying to solve, it will be better to work the video in small pieces and not everything at once.
Hi, yes VHS but I transferred them a long time ago to DVD and then to an external hard drive and you are correct most are 30 frames, so are you suggesting I find the best look at 30 frames and once that’s achieved I can upgrade the frames/resolution by running the new MP4 file through Topaz again, I didn’t even know I could run the same file through Topaz again so I have been trying to get a good video first time round Thanks. Rod
For your information: VHS is interlaced 29.976 frames per second. (in the US.) If they were copied over to DVDs correctly, they should be in the same format. Deinterlacing them to 59.94 FPS will create all unique frames. (Unless they were originally filmed on something else that has a lower frame rate. [I have some family videos that were recorded straight onto VHS by a Camcorder. If I lower the frame rate on them, I lose motion.])
Hi, yes same in the UK VHS 29 frames and when copied they stayed the same, so you are saying Deinterlacing them to 60 frames is a good thing or bad? Rod
if they are interlaced, then de-interlace them. I would go for the default x2 FPS as part of the de-interlacing process as it creates a much smoother motion experience.