V3.2.3, v3.2.4, & v3.2.5 Mac Import Error

I just purchased and activated Video AI. It starts up but won’t load any videos. Just stays in the browse option.

I’m on a Macbook Pro M1 with Ventura. I had the trial version and it worked fine but now nothing.

i’m having the same issue. Redownloaded it multiple times. Even went back and tried uninstalling and reinstalling older versions. It’s not opening any of my video files in the app

Hi! Steps for resolution are posted at the top of this thread.

Video Files no longer loading.

Why can’t I import footage on my paid version?

Are you on a Mac? If so, you may have launched Topaz Video AI previously using the DMG, in which case, you will need to perform a clean install.

  1. Uninstall Topaz Video AI
  2. Delete the plist files
    How To Delete Your Plist Files
  3. Reboot your Mac
  4. Reinstall

We are experiencing an issue with Topaz. It doesn’t import videos anymore on one of two devices. We have it for two devices. We had it already installed on two computers, but for one we wanted to switch to another device. So we uninstalled it on one and installed it on the third device. Now, on the second device, on which Topaz remained, it’s unable to import video-files. Either dragging files or by clicking ‘browse’. Nothing happens after opening the file we want to use. We tried it with different video-formats

We have tried reinstalling, but it remains not working.

Does anyone know of this, why this happens and what to do about it? The device that has this issue is a macbook pro m1 max, 64gb memory. Also I should mention that it was working before the latest update 3.2.3

This is a known issue with the latest version of the app that our developers are currently working on patching. For now, you can follow these steps to restore app functionality:

  1. Uninstall Topaz Video AI
  2. Delete the app’s .plist files - How To Delete Your Plist Files
  3. Reboot your Mac
  4. Reinstall