Topaz Video AI v4.0.5

Hello everyone,

A new release of Topaz Video AI is now available.

Released November 28th, 2023


Changelog from 4.0.4

  • Fixes for default constant bitrate values in preferences.
  • Fix for “open in external player” failing.
  • Fix issue where entering custom values into text boxes doesn’t hold.
  • Simplify presets UI.
  • Improvements to frame de-duplication in frame interpolation.
  • Fixes frame count for interpolated output.
  • Fixes initial frames for enhancements.

  • AE Plugin Changelog

  • Added ‘Auto’ & ‘Relative to Auto’ support.
  • Known Issues

  • Inconsistent “Preview X frames” enable status.
  • Preview frames syncing may be off by roughly 1/2 a frame.
  • Rotation w/ previews will not be rotated.
  • Stuttering on entrance-to/leaving previews / looping.
  • .


    Hello. I’m extremely new to this ecosystem, folks (ha-ha) but not to common sense.

    I’ve been lurking these Topaz’s halls for a couple of weeks now before the holiday/Black Friday festivities and I’ve been contemplating should I or should I not pull the plug on TVAI (I mean… hundreds of bucks, folks). Overall, I have a very mixed opinion today about TVAI current/future vision at an integrity level for such a premium price tag. Here’s my concern:

       Version 4.0.4 known issues 

    Inconsistent “Preview X frames” enable status.
    Preview frames syncing may be off by roughly 1/2 a frame.
    Rotation w/ previews will not be rotated.
    Stuttering on entrance-to/leaving previews / looping.

        Now 4.0.5 "fixes" (I prefer the term *correction(s)* 'cause in my opinion, "fixes" are only bandaids (that will break again):

    Fixes for default constant bitrate values (???) in preferences.
    Fix for “open in external player” failing (???).
    Fix issue where entering custom values into text boxes doesn’t hold (???).
    Simplify presets UI.
    Improvements to frame de-duplication in frame interpolation.
    Fixes frame count for interpolated output (???).
    Fixes initial frames for enhancements (???).

    Attention to ongoing issues is a great thing, but where were most of these unannounced “fixed” issues were mentioned as issues in 4.0.4?

    So, should I suspect there are even more concerning issues in 4.0.5 (rhetorical ) that is not mention in this open issue list too?


    Maybe the „known issues“ list should be renamed to „admitted issues“ :joy:


    The open issues list is dedicated to the most commonly reported bugs. In the past, known issues were not even mentioned in the release post. The purpose of listing some common issues is to prevent users from inundating the post with already known bugs. However, it does not imply that all the issues are listed. Otherwise, the list would be incredibly long and it could scare away new users.

    Thanks for replying. But what you are stating is nothing fruitful or new, I’m afraid. This is not a free Windows’ update, GPU’s driver update, (well, sort of). A GPU, ect doesn’t need a driver’s update often to function correctly. A matter of fact, my 4090FE is still on driver 53x.xx from many moons ago and it crushes everything that with ease. I do understand, I’m new to this ecosystem… but… again… not to common sense. Thanks again for your reply.

    Similarly, when it comes to TVAI, there is no reason to update to the latest version every week. Many of us are still using TVAI version v3.5.x, which is stable, reliable, and capable of fulfilling all our needs.

    If you have been a long-term Topaz user, you should be aware that immediately installing a new version after a major release is an extremely bad idea. It is guaranteed to be very buggy and unstable.

    Most of us have learned from past experiences with V1, V2, and V3 that we should wait for at least a few months before installing a major update, unless you enjoy being an alpha tester.

    I had already predicted/warned prior to the release of V4.


    You are worrying about nothing. I rarely notice these issues, but if I do it I know it is likely to be fixed in next weeks update.
    Just dive in and enjoy the experience. Topaz Video AI is the most amazing software I have ever used - I never thought I would ever see anything like it in my lifetime, at any price.
    Because it is so complex, and evolving rapidly, you have to expect some hiccups, but that is all they are.


    I was thinking the same thing. One scroll trough this forum and list of issues is a mile long.

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    I dunno why but when I made some previews suddenly I can not make another preview because the button is just “grayed” out. I saw this during beta too. Edit: I just notice that the Enhancement option turned off for an unknown reason. Now I can press the preview button but I do not get a preview anymore. :eyes:

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    I used to write release notes for a living. Bad release notes with haphazard or nonexistent updates of new issues from first report to resolution makes even good development look chaotic.

    OTOH, it can also help mask how chaotic poor development really is.

    The result of finally having time to test by engineering on thanks giving day so praise the lord for these findings

    Do not complain the interface is looking stellar, still before I use Topaz I make sure the input file is prestine hence use Kernal video repair t ensure that even topaz will not create a red cross or export a fie that suddenly starts half way.

    I do not agree If it is beta it is beta I use open PLI on all of my satreceivers always the release fixes issues in the beginning I get a new release every day with 64 updates then a week later 32 then it slowes down with 16 updates but it is always a better more stable version with more features without changng the gui for years

    Had the same issue, had to reset preferences to fix.

    This is great news, looking forward to testing this!

    EDIT: I’m done testing, it was inconclusive, as all videos/interpolation efforts ended in errors, uploading the test files now…

    This release is a bust for me, I’m afraid…

    EDIT: UPDATE: I got it working, I installed over the old folder, plus changed the model download directory, but now it works as intended, sorry about the error.

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    I saw some of the updates are for windows only. When are these coming to mac?

    No Apollo SR in this release? Or just not on the Mac?

    Plus (I keep repeating myself, I know but constant dripping wears the stone…) Iris 2x is extremely slow on Apple Silicon.

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    It’s us Windows users as well, so you’re not alone! :smiley:

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    There appears to be an unusual issue with fluctuating frame rates, ranging from 8,000 to 15,000 frames per second, observed while using Proteus - Enhance HQ, Manual mode. This occurred randomly over a few minutes.

    Screenshot 2023-11-29 192243

    When converting multiple videos, if any of the videos included lacks an audio track, all videos end up without sound.

    video settings
    H264 (mp4)
    audio mode copy or convert

    MacOS 13.5.2
    Mem 48GB