Topaz Video AI v3.5.2

Hello everyone,

A new release of Topaz Video AI is now available.

Released October 3rd, 2023


Changelog from 3.5.1:

  • Adds Iris options to select between Medium/Low Quality. Medium will use Iris-v2, Low will use Iris-v1.
  • Adds 1x & 2x deinterlace options for Interlaced videos when keeping original fps.
  • Adds detailed tooltips for all preferences.
  • Adds info about Iris & Nyx models to Progressive models tooltip.
  • Adds detailed metadata for Iris & Nyx enhance models to exported video file.
  • Adds “Noise” value for enhancement models to video metadata when not zero.
  • Fixes ffmpeg issue causing exported video to sometimes get stuck in playback.
  • Fixes for rotation issues for files with rotation metadata. This was causing many of the issues like “file opened upside down.”
  • Fixes issues selecting “original” fps option in fps selector.
  • Fixes FPS display to drop extra "0"s when the fps is a whole number.
  • Fixes filter order when deinterlacing which should lead to higher quality visual results.
  • Fixes metadata for exported video when using Iris to only say “Deinterlaced” when the original video was actually Interlaced.

Iris LQ/MQ

After reviewing user feedback, our research team has decided to split Iris into two models depending on input quality. Iris v1 will now be called “Iris LQ” and is recommended for very low resolution videos and highly compressed content. Iris v2 is showing better performance on medium-resolution videos (more than 480, less than 1080) and will now be labelled “Iris MQ”.

We believe this is the best way to communicate the specific strengths of each model, and we appreciate all the feedback that came in after the initial release!

Known Issues:

  • Currently not all the models are supported on Intel ARC (model support will be added week to week).
  • Videos with mismatched metadata and streams will display incorrect duration
  • Frame number preview length may shorten on app restart

TVAI 3.5.2 uodate trouble
after uodate and start TVAI
Windows displayed this window

so I copy files from other Beta TVAI folder
After filecopy TVAI 3.5.2 start ok

I think 3.5.2 installer wil delete old files of 3.5.1 folder


Same problem for me when updating from 3.5.1 on Windows 11. Running the installer a second time and selecting the “Repair…” button fixed it.

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Thank you @fumio and @Skwerl. We have paused the update on Windows for now and will get it fixed ASAP. You should be able to continue using the 3.5.2 install you have if it’s working already!

Hey, thank you!

How did you update the app?

  • The in-app update notification
  • Downloading from the community thread
  • Downloading from the website

Thanks, Jacob

Hey, thank you!

How did you update the app?

  • The in-app update notification
  • Downloading from the community thread
  • Downloading from the website

Thanks, Jacob

Damn, now the 3.5.0 installed the 3.5.1 again instead of the 3.5.2. Now I have to uninstall the 3.5.1 again to get the working 3.5.0 or wait until the updating ussues are fixed. :frowning:


Downloaded Windows 10 3.5.2 installer file from the website and installed directly from that, not via the previous TVAI versions.

Updating to 3.5.2 with 3.5.1 still installed fails with the error messages posted above.

Updating to 3.5.2 by the same method with 3.5.0 installed is successful with no error messages. Updating to 3.5.2 by the same method with 3.3.4 installed (on another Win 10 PC) is also successful.

This suggests to me that the problem may lie within version 3.5.1.

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Installed this version to see if it fixed any of my issues, did not work at all. For some reason, since 3.5.1 the preview and encoding does not work at all on CPU anymore, it does when i switch to GPU, but this makes my card work instantly on 100% causing a temperature range of 97 degrees Celsius!!!


I allways update TVAI
and doubleclick TopazVideoAI-3.5.2.msi installer

Because I don’t like large windows system drive size
Sometimes i use in-app update notiication ,cause sytem drive files large

My setting of HDD
C drive windows only 0.5TB
D drive data only 1TB
E drive application only 1TB
TVAI installed in E drive
and models files installed to E drive TVAI folder

Sometimes ,after in-app update notification ,
New TVAI installed C drive !
So I allwais download msi files,
and check C drive

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Thanks, everyone. We determined the install issue mentioned above could happen if you had 3.5.1 installed and updated to 3.5.2 with the MSI installer (downoad link).

You have 2 options that should both work:

  1. Download & install the update with the in-app update button.
  2. Do a clean install of 3.5.2 using the msi.

Edit: the regular download link should work just fine again.

Try doing a clean install of the app with the 3.5.2 version (uninstall Video AI and then install 3.5.2 from the download link). Let me know if that helps you out. If not I’ll get you in touch with a product specialist that can get you going again!

Already tried that, the preview and encoding still does not work on CPU, only on GPU, but than my card ramps up instantly to 100% and 97 degrees Celsius! (and its a 8 gig card, AMD Radeon RX 5700xt should more than be able to work without issues) Going back to like 3.4.4 is the only fix.

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Seems to work fine so far I can tell after a short test. The preview is still a bit handicaped as usual but not more or less than with version 3.5.0.

I’m gonna wait a week before upgrading to 3.5.2 to make sure it’s not as broken as 3.5.1 was. So far 3.5.0 has been stable.

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Hi there, we’ve looked at the install process for the MSI package and we think a clean install will resolve these errors:

This affects some users upgrading from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 by downloading the .msi file. 3.5.1 users can also use the in-app update utility without issue.

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Guess I’m late to the party.
I updated from within the GUI and have had no issues. I suppose I also had no issues with the last version either.

Not to forget:

Known Issues:

  • The preview might lag far behind the processing or get either temporary or completely stuck at some point
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I’m getting either completely white or completely black in the preview a lot of the time for some reason…

Also, Apollo seems to be broken for me, does not work at all.