Topaz Photo AI v2.1.1

This is what I wanted to say.
Of course you can up the specs with the Apple Silicon at the time you buy them.

But this isn’t upgrading to my understanding and there’s no possibility (except for HD space with slightly ugly workarounds) to upgrade any component afterwards.

What exactly do you want to upgrade? You might be able to find somebody to swap/solder a hard drive, but it’s easier by simply plugging in a new SSD drive into the Thunderbolt chain and making it the primary boot drive… You’re certainly not going to change any of the video graphics card’s integration… Just buy as much RAM as you can from the gitgo… My apple boxes have been lasting me an average of 8+ years in production with little or no maintenance or performance issues… They get made obsolete by Apple’s IOS marketing/production schedules before any real world needs…

Well I did say that upgrading newer Macs is just impossible, so you seem to have misunderstood me?

(And the harddrive plugged into the thunderbolt is what I meant with the „slightly ugly“ solution in my previous post - no need to make it bootable though in most cases)

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I understood… my question was more rhetorical than anything…

My 16GB RTX 4080 experience on 4x autopilot, upscaling already large images then doing a remove on fairly larger chunks of it (within Topaz recommendations) is a maximum GPU memory utilization of 5GB and on the upscaling part, less than that. I don’t understand why Topaz therefore want 8GB GPUs.

On GPU load, I get spikes of up to 100% so clearly, it’s using it for something but who knows what? Processing times for most autopilot operations are n o more than 5 seconds or so per image.

Does anyone know, can you do batch processing in TPAI? If so, I could test that too.

You can upgrade from the basic configuration, at considerable cost. Ram is about 15x what Ram costs on Window pc costs.

Yes, at original purchase. That’s why I mentioned “having the foresight to know what your future needs are going to be”… I will say that Apple’s OS handles memory differently than Windows…

just throw in more than 1 images.

Ok, before people did upgrade their Macs. I disagree about software, it is changing rapidly, my old 11 year old computer worked fine until this AI software started. 2gb gpu was ok on most sw, now Topaz wants 8gb, l can see this getting worse soon.

Windows, is far more flexible, I can change the Ram easily, change the SSD, HD, gpu etc. What happens if your gpu no longer works on the updated software?

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Something like that would probably have to be done by a pro retoucher, not a hobbyist & they’d most likely have to work (at least in some part) with frequency separation and then overlay a skin simulating texture to speed up the process. I doubt basic remove tools (in Ps either) are the proper tools for a printable result (especially by inexperienced retouchers). But more basic remove tools are fine for spot cleaning “normal” images.

Well… I’m pretty cheap, but 11 years for a computer in today’s universe is getting your money’s worth. :joy:


It’s just getting broken in and in a few more years will be full depreciated! :wink:

Tried that, it processed the first one then I had to click them one at a time and wouldn’t let me select more then one at a time. Will try again later.

So when it comes to denoising, I do 1000 at a time, i.e. automatically.

Odd. More investigation needed here.

Ah, OK.

Me, I do miss the upgradability a bit.
I bought my last Mac mini Late 2018 with minimal specs from Apple (thus quite cheap if you can call any Apple cheap) - and then put a 1TB SSD and 32GB RAM into it myself for little money.

Those were the times…

I did the same… I have a headless Late-2010 sitting in the corner that’s been happily running Plex as a media server for the last 5 + years…

Using v2.1.1 (latest). Did a batch drop of 248 images (all TIFFs at ~ 90MB each). Let it run overnight, saving out as JPEGs modified by whatever each image needed. Ran for several hours on my MacBook Pro 2019 fully loaded. No problem. When complete, I didn’t have an option to save out a text file of each images enhancements (Sharpen %, Noise Reduction %, etc.) that Photo AI 2 performed. This would be helpful to have. Just a checkbox, “Want text output of edits?” in the Save dialog for individual or batch saving. Thanks.

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The post is meant to highlight where the program shows it’s potential. Somethings it does well, others still need work. This forum is about the software, not an image competition.


@adam.mains I see remove is still in beta.
Here is Color chart With Numbers