Topaz Photo AI v2.1.1

I believe that this is not a RAW file anymore so you loose some information (less dynamic range). I use Photo AI afer HDR (highlights, shadows) in raw editor.
Topaz Team, could you confirm this?

You don’t need confirmation as RAW images can only be written by cameras. DNGs, unless used as RAW containers by cameras, are not RAW files.

He was asking if it was lossless not RAW. If it is compressed then doubt it is lossless. TIFF is lossless.

DNG files can be 14 bit, the same as RAW (in the case of Pentax, that can shoot PEF raw, or lossless DNG natively). Leica and Hasselblad can also shoot DNG . There is no loss of dynamic range, in the Pentax case at least, and there is no valid reason for Topaz DNG files to use anything less, other than providing lossy compression as an option.

Topaz should and hopefully do provide that 14 bit lossless option.

We will provide a simple remove tool for the device below minimum requirement. In the meanwhile, I am working on the optimization of the current one to make it faster on CPU/GPU.


On this case, you’d better to use none padding since the masked area is small but the range of it is large. Then you can have better resolution output. I plan to solve the speed first since that is the main problem with a lot of complains. Then with the fast removing process, it will be easier to solve the low-res problem.


@bin.sun @adam.mains


That’s great to hear you’re working to improve the speed of the remove tool.

I have what’s probably a Topaz product mktg question - based on your reply to Thomas re: “padding” But here you go

“Padding” (the term & its ops) has puzzled me all along for the PAI tool. I’m not a gen AI expert. Just a mere photographer, personal retoucher & (volunteer) photo processing educator. Is there a Topaz educ. video that is dedicated to demos showing which Padding tier/option to select based on different mask example scenarios?

As others have requested, wrt PAI Remove, in Ps content aware fill we can indicate (with a masked overlay) which portions of an image to use as context for filling. In a fair number of Ps instances, I use areas not adjacent to the object/subject I want to remove (in addition to frequent ones adjacent) to create a desired fill. With PAI, I don’t have that control & it’s tough to know how to work effectively with PAI’s “padding”. Any visual (educ video) examples or more guidelines re: how to control the context area (& tradeoffs like resolution impacts) would be appreciated! :sun_with_face:

[For anyone else who wants to help
 yes, I’ve read the tool tips & they don’t address what I’m asking for]


OK, the clue is not (only) to set the Guidance to “keep area” but also to mask the whole tattooed area in one step - otherwise it’ll replace the tattoos with others and not with plain skin.

So the result is MUCH better now:

A screen recording showing the duration of the process on the MacBook with M1 Pro: (512.3 KB)


This also kinda limits the tool to lower res images as long as the mask is “limited” to 2000pix. So we’d definitely need a larger possible mask at least for machines with enough VRAM and/or the possibility to give the tool some guidance of which parts of the image it should preferably use for inpainting, e.g. with a second mask. @bin.sun

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You really need to read the question I answered which was to mariusz NOT manuel

No, compression for DNGs is Lossy.

Are you saying that the DNG’s that PAI outputs are lossy, Don?

I was under the impression my Adobe DNGs are lossless. i.e. the DNGs I make by running my proprietary Raw images through their DNG converter. At least that’s what I was told


If they are compressed the compression is lossy. It is a DNG Converter option.

Got it! Thx. I have mine set to lossless, so guess after I did that I didn’t pay attn to it

@ida.topazlabs have I gotten all credit for testing photo ai?

I believe Adobe DNG SDK allows for lossless JPEG compression. Older DNG saving which was going through libtiff did not have access to this because libtiff cannot compress 16-bit JPEG data.

Looking through the DNG SDK code, we save via WriteDNG which says:

	// Figure out the compression to use.  Most of the time this is lossless
	// JPEG.
	uint32 compression = uncompressed ? ccUncompressed : ccJPEG;

Specifically, because we use DNG SDK and we have a backwards compatible version set to as well, it allows us to use ccLossyJPEG, which seems unfortunately named because the comment for it says:

	// Used in DNG files in places that allow lossless JPEG.
	ccLossyJPEG					= 34892

It should be lossless, see above post.

That then must be what is used in the DNG Converter because it still doesn’t provide lossless compression, only lossey.

My apologies I assumed the SDK provided the same output as the DNG Converter.

The remove tool can certainly be fun to use, but
I have long pointed out that some of the Exif information disappears on its own.
When will this be fixed?

What EXIF information disappears?