Topaz Photo AI v2.1.1

Thank you for the compliments.
It was very nice to photograph the butterflies, as they were busy eating I only had to wait until they were in the right position to photograph them.

A long focal length is necessary to have enough distance, they flee very quickly, depending on the species, each butterfly species ticks differently.

Yet the Remove tool was only using around 4% gpu but Sharpen was using 85% gpu. Does not make sense.

Its makes sense, because every tool gets loaded seperatly, it does bypass the GPU for remove but not for Sharpen.

Generative AI requires a significant amount of VRAM due to its large model size. You can verify this by checking the ProgramData Model folder, where the Generative AI model occupies 1.5GB of space, whereas other models for upscaling, sharpening, and denoising are only around 100-200MB in size. Moreover, to ensure optimal performance, the software needs to load the AI model into the VRAM; otherwise, it will run extremely slowly. It is possible to further reduce VRAM usage by implementing techniques such as xFormers or enabling settings like medvram or lowvram. (It seem that Xformers only avialable for Nividia GPU)

Currently, the GPU utilization is low because the software is still in the beta stage, and performance optimization is underway. The Remove tools still rely on openvino, onnx16, and coreml, as TensorRT for Nvidia GPUs is not available yet."

I noticed that RT models are smaller too.

My W6800 does need 4 GB vram vor TVAI were the RTX 5000 does neeed only 2 GB.

So even if you have 8gb gpu, it will still use cpu?

If it needs more gpu vRam then it should not be bypassing the gpu.

Yes, Nvidia GPUs usually consume less VRAM than AMD GPUs, including during gaming, because Nvidia GPUs have better data compression techniques that help reduce VRAM usage.

I remember watching a YouTube video where a YouTuber tested several games at 4k maximum detail and texture settings. With a 16GB AMD GPU, the frame rate dropped and the game froze due to a lack of VRAM. However, with a 16GB Nvidia GPU, the game played smoothly without any problems.

Furthermore, they tested the same scene with a 24GB AMD GPU and found that it consumed around 18-20GB of VRAM, while the 24GB Nvidia GPU only consumed 16GB of VRAM.

(I can’t remember the exact number in the video, so the number may not precise)

Just to clarify, I am not saying Nvidia is better than AMD. I believe they simply use different approaches. Nvidia GPUs may require extra hardware or chip space for data compression, which enables them to save some money by having less VRAM.

On the other hand, AMD GPUs may save some money on data compression in exchange for allocating more VRAM to their GPUs, making the specs more appealing to customers. This is because most consumers tend to compare numbers without fully understanding the technology behind them.

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Tanks for the info, i didn’t know about this. :+1:t4:

So what you are saying is, you don’t need as many gb of vRam on Nvidia GPUs. So if AMD needs 8gb, then Nvidvia only needs 4 or 6gb to run, as well. Not all GPUs are the same, compare the RTX 4060 with the RTX 3050 both with 8gb of vRam and the 4060 is much faster. Not sure how relevant gaming tests are when using for photo editing. Should users be downloading studio drivers for their GPUs, instead of gaming?

I have read similar things about AMD, thats why I’m getting Nvidia.

If you’re into TPAI (which you said you aren’t) then a Mac mini with Apple Silicon would be the best bang for buck atm.

Comparing TPAI on my MacBook Pro with the M1 Pro it runs circles around the PC with I7 13700 and GTX 4600.

(So with TPAI we have a situation exactly the opposite to TVAI where currently Macs really underperform ).

EDIT: Should’ve read RTX4060, not GTX 4600

A rough and dirty try resulted in something only remotely useable - maybe for small mobile phone screens, but not for viewing on a bigger monitor and for sure not for printing.

And even this needed MANY steps (30+) and would need heavy afterwork with the copy stamp to get some skin texture back plus the borders aren’t clean/sharp and it trounced the models shoulder. So I’m not sure if you wouldn’t be faster using just the copy stamp from the start.
If you have a drawing tablet with a stylus it might be more convenient and more exact than having to do this with a mouse but still this kinda defeats the purpose of AI (getting decent results with little effort).
So (Topaz’) AI currently isn’t really up to that task I guess.


For same VRAM, Nvidia GPU have the advantage.
But if you ask smaller VRAM Nvidia vs larger VRAM AMD, I don’t think there is a simple answer for this question. The effectiveness of data compression can vary significantly depends on application

It all boils down to price/performance. How you get there is irrelevant.
So NVidia has better compression but then at least here you often get an AMD GPU with more RAM for the same price or less than the Nvidia card

I also played with this image yesterday, it is a bit difficult to deal with in TPAI. It require lots of trial & error and require regenerating multiple time.

On the other hand, I tried with Lama cleaner, it remove the tatto within seconds. Here is the result

Before and after


But in Lama Cleaner the uniform grey skin color of the arm is off / looks unnatural. And while not that over smoothed as the TPAI result the “texture” really isn’t a texture but just noise if you look closer :-/

Maybe Lama Cleaner and then some afterwork with the copy stamp would be the fastest in this case.

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I don’t want a Mac. Macs are expensive in the UK and upgrades are also. All my software is Windows based.

Minis are difficult to upgrade because of the limited size of the case.

Yes AMD prices tend to be lower because of lack of demand. Although looking at my choice from my supplier, prices don’t seem that different. RTX 4060 is around £300, what AMD gpu matches that?

They are not difficult to upgrade, it’s just impossible :sweat_smile:

Still, bang for buck in TPAI is good. And no, they’re not really much different in price in the UK compared to Germany.

GTX 4600.Is that correct, I can’t find it?

I will give Pai more time, only been using it for 2 weeks. I really only use Sharpen, DeNoise and Gigapixel. If I buy the DxO Raw converter then I won’t need to use DeNoise much.

I meant RTX 4060 - which really isn’t the best/fastest card, btw. It’s limited by several bad design decisions.
But the PC was built for a totally different use case and TPAI / TVAI running there just for interest. And for the intended use the RTX 4060 was a good choice price/performance wise. A 3060 would’ve also done but that wasn’t really available at at the time

For photo / video work I have the MacBook Pro and the Mac Studio.