Topaz Photo AI v2.1.1

Interesting result:



lol :grin:

what does happen if we expand the workspace before?

That’s a beautiful image! I made a similar one back in 2003 with my Nikon Coolpix 5000 (not P5000) with its 8,80 * 6,60 mm 5 MP sensor:

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I just updated my Topaz Photo AI this evening. I use the AI as a plug-in with Photoshop Elements 2020. After the new download, every time I try to use the Topaz from within Elements a window appears with the following information: “Downloading Models - some model files need to be re-downloaded before images can be processed.” It will download the files that would take over 10 minutes! I did not have this problem before downloading this version. It is really frustrating. I am using Mac OS Ventura 13.5. I would appreciate a suggestion. Thank you.

Did you let the new models update completely? Or, did you abort - which would likely make them try to install each time you launch PAI.

If you let the new models fully install, then go to Edit > Preferences then you can change the new Pref (setting it to OFF) to avoid model updates taking place automatically and regularly. I believe that new Pref is in the General category. But, go to Prefs and read through the options to be sure. Also, check the Privacy Prefs if you don’t want your images shared in any way.

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BTW, how do you like Ps Elements? I assume it’s not a subscription product. Is it effective for the processing you do? What types of processing do you do?

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Hi: There were 6 updates available. When I chose to down the updates I got the version 2.1.1. The model downloading only happens when I open the AI inside the Elements. It doesn’t happen if I process the image directly in Photo AI. I am pretty sure the downloading completed. I couldn’t find Preferences button under the Edit option. It’s under Setting option.
You said, “Preferences then you can change the new Pref (setting it to OFF) to avoid model updates taking place automatically and regularly.” How can I do this. Thanks for your suggestion.


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I have a Dell XPS17 laptop with a Nvidia 3060 6GB GPU. I tried using Object Removal, and it didn’t use the GPU much - maybe 4%. I could still do object removal, but very slowly.
With Denoise and Sharpen within PAI, the GPU utilisation goes up to 85%

I love PS Elements. I have been using it for a long time (over 10 years). I love the idea of paying one time. It works fine for me. I shoot mainly wildlife with focus on birds and landscape. Also do macro and street. The Elements and Photo AI work perfectly in my workflow.

Thank you for your suggestion. I am able to turn off the In-App Model downloads and now it’s working just like before.

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Hi Jacky: Thank you so much for the suggestion. Using your screen capture, I was able to find it and turned it off. Now, the AI is working just like before. What a wonderfully friendly community this is. Thank you
 thank you
 thank you!!


Glad that worked.

I’ve gotten in the habit of reading the release notes just to be sure there are no ‘surprises’ and every time I update I check my Preferences (again) to be sure nothing has changed in a way that I don’t care for it to. It’s a quick 1st step (at least for me) and - mostly - avoids things happening that I don’t want to.

Thx for the info re: Elements. It sounds like a perfect setup for you!


I almost feel like this app is going backwards in terms of quality.

Was it always this bad at human skin, and in particular, human skin with hair? Things like arm hair often get wiped out completely and replaced with weird stippling patterns.

And I get odd stippling and dot patterns on human skin that never existed in the source image even with relatively high resolution source, unless I resort to using something like the “graphics” preset and further fiddle with that.

There’s often a lot of fine tuning needed when it comes to images of humans and I’m ok with that, but it’s frustrating when it becomes impossible to hold on to some essential original detail that the algorithm insists on wiping out.

I noticed that you gain back details by activating the denoise option for couriosity. :eyes:



On the other hand, you forgot the reflection on the hood of the bill that was resting on the glass.

Also, the photo is very model-like. As if the car had been added on top of the photo. Is this intentional?

Quick question: When will brushes in Photo AI have the same function as in Photoshop? (I mean the ability to Shift+left-click to make straight-line selections?
I had already asked this question shortly after adding the selection brush for sharpening and I see that it’s still not there. Nor is the new selection brush for object deletion. Yet this is an important function for precision. If you need to delete an object in a straight line, for example, this feature would be really super handy. Ditto for the sharpness filter.


I love your image with the butterfly. It’s just too beautiful. I like the colors, the overall mood of the picture and also the little flowers that give a little touch of pink on the rest in warm tones like yellow. The sunlight hitting the butterfly’s wings is also very interesting.

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So why do Topaz state you need a GPU with min. of 8gb vRam if it uses so little?

Because 6GB it too less so it does use the CPU instead, thats why its slow.

A GPU is at least 4x faster than a CPU.

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