Topaz Photo AI v2.1.1

Have you posted on a different account previously? You’ve only got 2 posts on this one.

Some of the changes are not too important to me.
I am curious if I used flash or not.

I previously posted this via email.


Thanks for the side by side. I don’t know 100% what each tag is since it doesn’t include tag numbers, but going based off name and trying to convert to exiftool names, I can say the following.

Some of these tags are not transferable so I don’t believe any application will retain them unless they are making no changes to any tags. This would include:

  • Exif-IFD-Offset (Location in file where EXIF data starts)
  • MakerNote-IFD-Offset (Same as above, location in file will always be different even if it’s written)
  • InteroperabilityOffset (Same, offset to a table)
  • JpegIFOffset (Same)

The other tags are potentially fixable, but they may be ExifTool bugs. We use ExifTool in the app to transfer metadata from one file to another. We do not touch certain tags at all. These would include:

  • CompressedBitsPerPixel
  • MaxAperatureValue
  • Flash
  • FocalLength
  • Maker Note (Vendor)
  • Creative Style

You can see if this bug is in ExifTool by itself by running some commands and seeing if the output is the same as ours. For instance, you can take the Sharpen output file you have in your comparison and run this command to strip all EXIF data (note, this will overwrite but also leave a .jpg_original file in the directory)

exiftool "your/file/path.jpg" -all=

After you have a cleaned image, you can copy tags directly with this command:

exiftool -TagsFromFile "file/with/metadata.jpg" "file/without/metadata.jpg"

If these still have the same issues then we’d need to wait for ExifTool to fix them. If you don’t have the same issues with this flow, then there may be an issue with our embedded ExifTool version or maybe we need to update it.

Also to be more technical, that above command is not exactly what we use in the app, but at least it’ll give a baseline. We do special stuff like ignoring some specific tags and not writing MakerNotes in some cases.

Looking through the tags some more the main actual bugs seem to be:

  • MaxAperatureValue is off slightly
  • Flash is missing
  • FocalLength is off slightly

The other ones may or may not be bugs. Specifically, CompressedBitsPerPixel might not apply to our output file, so writing it might not make sense. For the other two (Maker Note (Vendor) and Creative Style) I’m not sure where those tags come from but if they’re from MakerNotes and we don’t write them, then those missing is expected.


Could someone with an Intel Mac and AMD GPU let me know if the remove tool now works with it? If not, does it work with the CPU? Sorry, I have looked but cannot find the answer.

After successfully editing a black/white tiff file with Photo AI (using sharpen with the motion option and denoise with the normal mode), Lightroom reports that the returned file is damaged or corrupt. Photo AI returns all color photos to Lightroom with no issues. I’m running the most recent updates of Lightroom and Photo AI.

Hi Ray, Welcome to the forum!

If you can provide some more details, perhaps some other users (or Topaz staff) on the discussion can assist.

What are your system specs (if you don’t have handy, they should be listed under the Help menu in Photo AI to copy/paste)?

Are you getting an error msg in Lr? How are you knowing the files successfully sent from PAI are ‘corrupt’? Is it something you can reply with a screen snip of (without including any private info on this public forum)?

Have you used PAI in Lr previously with no issues like this?

Still waiting for the option in PAI to define a custom path for scratch/temp storage like I can do with other Topaz products.

This is a known issue. The cause of this is that Photo AI will try to save the TIFF as a true monochrome image (1 channel), but Lightroom does not handle true monochrome images correctly, or at least does not like single channel images when a multi-channel image was given. There is a potential fix for it but I still need to test it out for other cases where 1 channel is correct. I don’t want to fix this case and break others.


So you mean black and White not grey scale.

In light of adam.mains reply below, not sure you need this. This is the message I get from lightroom

System specs weren’t found in PAI help; these are from Windows:

Routinely use PAI in Lr with no issues (with color photos)
Thanks for the quick reply

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Based on your reply, my work around is to send a ‘color’ file to Photo AI; that works fine. I convert to BW after the file returns to Lightroom. Thanks


There needs to be a better way to batch convert images. Command line tool would be ideal. Currently in the app if I apply the same settings to all files it will not strictly keep them. For example I have a lot of game textures I want to upscale and the dimensions range from small to large. I select 2x upscale size for all but some end up with weird and inconsistent dimensions, etc. Also why is color being changed at all when I don’t select color options? There is no color profile to chose from which is bizarre.

Yes, sounds like it. That’s great that Adam addressed it and knew the issue!

Thx for the follow-up.

For those of you who need it, Topaz just announced the beginning of their Black Friday sale (60% off various bundles). Good through 11/27.


What I can’t manage to figure out (and I’ve been clicking around quite a bit on my account page) is if there is a Black Friday deal on renewals and how to get it…

My year runs out November 28th and I can’t even see that I’m being offered an extension yet which is weird as you’d think it would be interesting to offer the user a seamless experience.

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Interesting, what if you went just short of making the renewal – do you get a final figure?

I’m only offered additional seats at this time (which I don’t need). The only thing I can actually extend is Gigapixel AI:


And if I’m not logged in:
Having been in this thing for a year I feel it is a bit deceiving to bundle 3 apps that will never again se an update into this and pretend that $199 is a great discounted offer (and use the total of buying all of them the starting price).


Be sure to run this by Support and see what they say (there is a chat option).

Also interesting that an extension is offered for the deprecated apps – either that should not be there or Topaz knows something we don’t about them!



I tried the chat but it looks like they’re sleeping at the moment (I’m on the side of the pond that actually just got up to work, so I guess that is ok) as the only option is sending an email - which I’ve done.

I’ll see what they come back with, but I just can’t wrap my head around not having a way to extend (Black Friday or not) when I’m less than two weeks away from running out.

  • I know of a few other apps/subscritions that actually lets you buy and “stack” extensions on top of each others (without “loss” of time - I’m looking at you NordVPN :wink:) so this one… don’t get it.