Topaz Photo AI v1.2.1

This can either be because the DNG files have some slight cropping EXIF data, or the lens correction is changing the dimensions. You can check if it’s lens correction by toggling it off under the Preferences menu item.

If it’s cropping, then there’s no way to prevent it at the moment since the app will always export the cropped size rather than saving the entire image and adding crop metadata to compensate. In this case though I’d expect any other photo editing app to open it with our export size since sometimes the edges of the image are junk data.

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Have you tried changing your processor under the Processor menu item? Sometimes that can help resolve some artifacts. Otherwise I’ll have to ask @partha.acharjee to look into it.

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I have sometimes out of focus pictures of documents from visits to archives for which the originals are crisply printed in simple black on white. This software either doesn’t do anything or makes the original blurred image unreadable. It was a speculative purchase of $159 and so I don’t feel the loss of it too keenly.

Happens with either “CPU” or “Apple M1 Max” selected under Processor.

Severity appears to be directly linked to the “detail” slider; it’s pronounced at the automatic value of 31, whereas with the detail level turned down to 15 it’s far less severe. (Oddly, if I switch from “Normal” to “Strong” the problem goes away entirely).

Personally I see this as a lower priority than some of the other important things such as a non-AI brush, ability to turn off sharpening in denoise, etc. The 1.2.1 release was mostly about Apple Photos compatibility, which is good, of course, but that seemed to me to be rather strange considering the bigger things that still need work. Maybe it was low hanging fruit though so I can understand that if it did not take much work and would make a few people happy then it got moved ahead of more important stuff. :slight_smile:


Don’t worry, this doesn’t take away from the masking brush which should be out in a release or two (not 1.2.2). I’m doing these smaller changes between other metadata/color issues and cropping tasks while @anthony.lawn is working on the brush.

I asked @partha.acharjee and he said he is debugging the cause but we have no solutions as of this moment.

Okay, I understand.

By the way, IMO the AI brush can and should remain, but there should be the option of a non-AI brush too.


Understood, thank you.

If a copy of the raw file is needed, please reach out and I can provide it.

When I click on download (for mac) It downloads Topaz Gigapixel not Photo AI 1.2.1

Solved, it looks like when I use DuckDuckGo as browser it doesn’t save it in the same download file?? Changed to Safari, that worked.

1.2.2 was Released.

Topaz Photo AI v1.2.2 - Topaz Photo AI / Releases - Topaz Discussion Forum (

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