Topaz Photo AI v1.0.3-v1.0.4

Not a PS user myself, but the PS plugin works fine on my Mac mini with On1 Photo Raw and returns the image to it as a layer.

I just batch processed almost 40 old JPGs to upscale them to 4k dimensions. I have modified Autopilot to exclude face recognition so the process was fast. None of the images required denoising or sharpening according to the AI (I haven’t checked that yet but usually the GPAI engine takes care of the former on such images)
I am not a LR user, so don’t know if this applies there, but I used the Send To command from On1 Photo Raw, which works in much the same way.
Once the images opened in full screen within Photo AI, there were more thumbnails in the film strip at the bottom than could be viewed in their entirety. Scrolling sideways using my Apple trackpad was nigh impossible, with very rapid movement and it was not possible to use the forward or back keys to move one by one. They also scrolled on an endless loop.
The copies generated by PR then generated a further copy with the designated suffix. Fine. But would it not be possible for Photo AI to over-write the original, which I then have to delete? And is there not a way for the word “copy” to be deleted from the final file name, since I also have to do this manually?
Finally, a small point, but Photo AI did not close down and return me to On1 PR automatically after doing its job. This is what should happen surely, and does happen with the other Topaz products on my system:
Mac Mini, 16GB, Monterey.

Fonts are too small and hard to read (1440p).

I am using Photo AI over Standalone. There are photos that are partially imported. The result is often distressing due to an incorrect color display. When using sharpen, the process takes a very long time. I also recognize the critical notes that others have reported. I wonder why Photo AI is allready available now. For me it is impossible to work with. Kind regards Bas Dekker

Thank you, agreed! I’ve been rqstg for quite a while also.


I can’t speak for the design of PAI, I’m ‘just’ a user.

But in my tests it seems to work more effectively on images with zero other processing. It seems to want to be the 1st pre-processor used in a processing workflow. I get noticeably better results when I use it that way.

For me, that’s a challenge because my whole workflow is in Ps. Which means I can’t get the PAI raw denoising handled via the plugin version.

Have you tried running the same image(s) through PAI as a 1st step? It would be cool to know if you get different results doing so…

Ray, as for the manual file renaming chore, try a Mac app called A Better Finder Rename where you can choose to remove the word “copy” from an entire folder of images (or do many other things).

There may also be other utilities to do this, and perhaps even in the Finder.

I tried ABFR and found it a bit too complex. I use a free app called Transnomino, although a simple delete/replace can indeed be done in the Finder.

You can get used to it ;-). If you do certain tasks repeatedly, it’s not bad. The steepest task I did so far was renumbering a numbered list, but now I’ve got that down.

Here’s how you remove a word (or phrase or whatever):

Thanks for the heads-up about Transnomino, I did not have that in my software collection.

I will be interest to hear how you think they compare. Replacing file numbers is a two step process, as far as I can see, in Transnomino. But deleting text is straightforward and you can see in advance what you are doing in the right panel. In this example I had to place a blank in front of the word ‘copy’ and replace it with nothing. If it finds any instances the Rename button changes from grey to black.

Batch processing is still a nightmare on my Mac. Scrolling sideways on the thumbs is crazy and uncontrollable, thumbnail images of ARW and most DNGs not showing and when I clicked on one of the thumbnails at random PAI crashed:
2022-10-08-12-23-29.tzlog (204.7 KB)
Topaz (17.3 KB)

Thanks, when I next have to make some changes I’ll give it a try.

Here is changing sequence numbers in ABRF. The only fields I usually edit are under Calculations:

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 10.35.11 AM

Hi Fotomaker,
De RAW data is the same for both images. Only the postprocessing is different.
In Astrophotography we do a lot of post processing. The base image is a stack of, in this case 95 images. The result is a lineair image that needs to be stretched. During stretching you create a “visible” image. The way of getting this “visible” image is different in both cases. I don’t use PS I use a dedicated application, PixInsight to do the post processing. So I need to export the image to a 16bit TIFF to get it processed in PAI.
But in the mean time I found a solution to get the job done in PAI.

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Has anyone gotten the command line interface working with either 1.0.3 or 1.0.4?

If so, what are the exact instructions for doing it with Win10?

I opened a command prompt, navigated to the program folder, and did as instructed above: “… if you run the executable with --help you can see the different options it takes.” Nothing.

Sounds like an interesting (and labor intensive or at least processing intensive) procedure for astrophotography. Thx for sharing what’s involved!

I suspect you have more patience than I do wrt image capture & manipulation.

Well done astro photos do look terrific, though. So worth the effort. :sparkles:

BTW, I need 16-bit TIFFs too. But cannot get as an output from the standalone. Glad you found a fix.

Sorry, I know this is off topic but don’t know how else to find out. I am taking another look at ABFR as per your instructions. I want to renumber files, since some have been deleted, but the issue I have is that in the past I also added new images with a letter suffice, a,b,c etc. In TN I can delete numbers, then the suffixes and renumber from the start without losing the sequence. I am wondering if I can do that here. If there are gaps, the numbers jump too.

1.0.3 works ok when I work with one image at a time, closing out of each image when done.
I tried opening 5 small jpgs (iPhone 5s selfie cam photos) and working with them:

  1. By the time I got to the third, I got an out of memory error, with ~30GB of memory used by photo ai. The app froze, eventually I had to kill it.

  2. Also noticed my only option had been to “save all files”, despite me only have having processed 2 of them. Would be good to be able to save 1 at a time too.

  3. When togging between images, it seemed to not remember the prior adjustments (it did remember the settings) causing it to reprocess them.

  4. using sharpen ai on my m1 Mac 8GB memory seems much faster vs on my windows pc (i7-4770, 32GB); photo ai is slower than sharpen on both, and photo ai is closer in performance between the Mac and windows pc.

Other than that am enjoying the program. I’m looking forward to the planned feature to refine the mask. Right now I could probably mask my images faster than the ai, so that would be a great option.

Not entirely off-topic as Photo AI was causing you some file-naming issues :wink:

But I don’t have a quick answer for this, I mainly deal with 2-digit consecutive numbers in my editing.

In such difficult cases I recall I may have made the changes up to the point where the appended file numbers began (such as “89a”), edited those manually, then batch-edited the remaining to match the other completed ones. Surely there is a proper way to do this…

I will play around further. Is there a reset button if it all goes awry?

Hello all you amazing software engineers at topaz. I have noticed that the current version 1.0.4 doesn’t support dual processors. Any plans to do so. I work on a workstation HP z620 with two Xeon E5- 2670. Im sure its not just me that has a dual processor setup it would realy speed up our editing if you could get multiple processors to work.

Keep up the good work
