Must preview image first or export is skipped and no changes applied.
Started experiencing this issue immediately after updating to 3.03. Windows 11 environment. Multiple users experiencing this same issue as noted from the following post;
I have this same problem. Here are screenshots - I copied settings to all files in the batch but did not preview file 02 in the list, but did preview some others and it skips the ones I haven’t previewed.
What’s weirder is that yesterday I was able to batch export 400 files no problem and it didn’t skip any. With that I was working with DNG → DNG and these are tiffs.
I have a scenerio where I have applied a preset to 47 photos, then tried a batch export of all 47. It skips all 47 and gives me a message for each, saying that no edits were applied :-/
Any idea what’s going on here? I did a batch edit of a focus stack before the update, and it worked just fine. Is this a glitch brought inby the update? or am I missing something?
Ive been playing with photos all morning…several app crashes, failure to allocate memory error, what a nightmare. We should get a major discount for being beta testers. None of this was happening before the update :-/
I am having the same issue. I found that if you click each photo individually… (not very efficient but I have photos due dates to make), and let it load for about a second each, it will export as it did before the update. But if you don’t click each photo individually, it skips and says the whole “skipped: no edits applied” BS. Not sure what’s going on, but that’s the only way I’ve found it won’t skip while also trying to get a hole of someone with Topaz Support Help.
That’s odd. So your batch export functions, but only if you first preview each image??? That might be useful info for devs. As if preloading the image into a buffer helps with the export? Hmm.
I’m having the same problem, but more to add. If I start with a DNG sequence everything exports no problem. If I start with anything that’s not RAW, it will skip unless I preview. (Also tried starting with RW2 files (also RAW) and the export worked without having to preview)
I have been able to recreate this same issue after the update on both PC Windows and MacOS. In order for the changes to take effect in the export, I must preview each image and allow it to make the edits in preview. Any image not previewed is skipped by the export when bulk exporting