Fixed installer forgetting where resources were when updating from older versions
Fixed case where installer would install to two different locations when updating
Fixed Photoshop plugins not working in some cases on Windows
Fixed save as dialog defaulting to ProPhoto in some cases
v2.4.1 (Released January 28th, 2021)
Fixed various install issues on Windows
– Should address non-admin installs, multi-drive installs, and non-NTFS installs
Fixed save dialog not remembering color profile selection
Added message box at the end of in-app update instead of just silently disappearing
v2.4.0 (Released January 27th, 2021)
Updated Low Light models to newest versions
Updated Photoshop plugins
– Should now save/load all the settings properly
Added support for new image file types
– New RAW formats: ARI, CR3
– New non-RAW formats: BMP, HEIC, PPM, PGM, PBM, PNM, TGA, and WEBP
Added estimated time remaining when saving files
Added In-App rating system
– If you experience any issues with output in the program, feel free to send feedback by clicking on the faces at the bottom right of the preview
Added ability to load non-ASCII file names from Lightroom
– For instance, Japanese/Chinese/Korean, etc file names should work now
Added an error message when models fail to run instead of just returning a non-updated preview
Added an info hover on the brightness toggle to better explain cases where it doesn’t work
Changed Windows installer so it’s admin only
– Should resolve various issues non-admin users have had in the past
– May require full uninstall/reinstall if you had it installed as non-admin before
Changed Photoshop plugin mode to have an entry in the file list view
– This allows us to better show masking rather than having the brush at the top
Changed OpenGL settings internally
– Hopefully this should help with black preview issues and puts this program in line with what Gigapixel and Mask do
Changed sliders to allow text input for values
Fixed various color/loading issues for RAW files
Fixed issue where DNG files saved and re-opened in our apps would be magenta
Fixed post-processing not running in certain cases
Fixed preview scale so it adjusts to your screen display scale properly
– Images may look smaller than before if you have a display scale over 100%
Fixed crash when running auto on images with specific file sizes
Did you download the update from the website, or use the in-app updater? If you got it from the website please re-download as the 2.3.6 installers weren’t purged yet.
@adam.mainsLooking at the Lion Photo Produced By Denoise File Info Shows Color space RGB ColorProfile ProProto When Presere Source Profile is Chosen File Info on iMac Shows ProPhoto When reading Raw Camera Files ? This Correct ?
I’d need more info on which shot is which with what settings. I can see the differences, but unsure which photo is from where and what color profile it is (Not sure if RGB is sRGB, ProPhoto RGB, etc).
So the sRGB profile from DeNoise is different it looks like then. We do use a black scaled version of sRGB which at least one person has noted on before. I can try changing to the non-scaled one and see if the input is similar to the top image.