Chronos - Scene change detection

Chronos should be able to detect scene changes and not try to interpolate them, it often leads to weird results if Chronos trys to interpolate between two frames that have no features in common.

You would think this would be simple to fix. Someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but doesnā€™t VEAI already use an algorithm to detect scene changes in the upscaling models?

Currently Chronos only works semi-properly at 2x, 4x, 8x frame rate increases. By ā€œsemi-properlyā€ it replaces a frame with a blended frame at every scene change. This is not typically visible at 48 or more FPS.

FPS changes that are not 2x, 4x, 8x are completely broken. Many extra frames are inserted and interpolation fails for every frame I checked- every interpolated frame is a blend. This happens when changing from 23.976, 24, or 25 to 50 or 60FPS.

Changing from 23.976 to 25 FPS seems to be ok though. No blended or extra frames.

On Apollo it would lead to even more erroneous results. Iā€™m surprised so few people talk about transition detection, but itā€™s important for proper interpolation, specifying the boundaries of interpolation without human intervention.

Iā€™m surprised this is still an issue - I believe other free programs have this capability, youā€™d think a premium piece of software would cover this use case.

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the bug still happen in 2024

This is happening in a bad way to me. I was seeing 4-6 frame transitions upscaling and interpolating with Chronos Fast and GAIA. If I just interpolate 23.976 to 30 FPS without upscale it seems to only interpolated a single frame every couple of scene changes which usually isnā€™t notice, but the 4-6 frames was just awful. My source is a little blurry because it is a 1979 movie with some low light scenes, but it happens in pretty much every movie. Is this still being worked on?

Unfortunately I donā€™t think so. They are satisfied with the way it works. if you want you can edit the transition frames manually in a video editor to make the scene change smoother, or change the way it flows.

Apparently it actually is being worked on but it seems no significant progress has been made yet regarding scene change detection improvement.

This was said to me not long ago, when talking about multiple in and out points:



But the actual results are meh.

Did not saw your accurate returns

When used on documentaries, RIFE give me > results that Chronos/Apollo/Aion

Those last 3 have tend to generate horrible intra frames where as RIFE not but is slitghly more choppy

The ā€œDuplicate Frames ā€˜Replaceā€™ā€ has a huge impact. If you have it checked, it makes the motion worse in all ways. Since itā€™s checked by default, I have to ask if you left it on?


I left it off in both RIFE / TVAI, but if ā€œonā€ TVAI gives worst result (on my side)

I also tried 23.976 ā†’ 120 fps ā†’ 60 fps : Fail

I resolved the worst of it by doing the frame rate change in itā€™s own step. Then I go back and upscale. There is something funky though. I am seeing the Proteus upscale change my frame rate with frame interpolation off. This definitely shouldnā€™t happen. Itā€™s frustrating because I getting the frame rate a perfect constant 30 FPS and then I run the upscale and end up with some weird variable 28.621 fps file because it dropped a bunch of frames. No idea what is going on.

Been an issue since v5.4 was released. Proteus and Artemis (as far as i know) drop frames for no reason. If you arenā€™t using Rhea XL or SDR to HDR models, download v5.3.6 for now. Except for Rhea XL and SDR to HDR it has the same models, but you wonā€™t face any issues with dropped frames.

You can download it here Topaz Video AI 5.3.5 - 5.3.6

Thanks, kinda cold water on renewal I did a few months ago.