Video AI v4 crashes everytime on Intel MacBookPro

Every time I try to export a MPG video that has been retimed, the system freezes then shuts down.

System is a MBP 2.3 GHZ 8 core Intel i9 w/ 64GB RAM and the AMD Radon Pro 5500M 8GB video running OS Ventura 13.0.1 (98.4 KB)


Our developers are currently in contact with Apple about an issue related to some Mac systems with AMD graphics cards.

We’re really hoping for an update from Apple soon but for now we’ve found that most users should see more stable processing speeds if they enable low power mode from the app’s preferences menu.

In addition, setting the “max memory usage” slider to 50% should also help with render times:

File → Preferences → Processing


Thank for the suggestion. Tried them and still it froze the rebooted the computer. At this point the software is useless.

Michael Hoffman AIA
Principal, Studio X

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