Vertical 9:16 video is rotated

I’m trying to upscale some vertically shot 9:16 videos. 1080x1920. But whenever I create previews, it for some reason rotates the output 90°. I’ve tried rotating the input in VideoAI first, tried messing with the dimensions, the scale % alone, disabling aspect ratio etc, trying to see where the bug might be caused. But no luck.

Does VideoAI not support vertical video? I never noticed until now.

I’m using the latest version 3.5.1 on windows 11.

One workaround I could do would probably be to rotate it prior to importing, but I’ve got something like 70 videos to do and that would be a lot of wasted time …

Any ideas? The input thumbnail has the correct rotation.

Hello, Thanks for the report. Our dev team has confirmed that this will be fixed in tomorrow’s release! (v3.5.2)

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Damn, I just did all 70 videos manually!! Haha oh well. It’ll be good to not have to repeat that process for future videos. Thanks for letting me know. I’m sure many others will be equally pleased to hear it.

This issue seems to be back for me.

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