[Please describe your issue here. Try to include logs (Help → Logging) and add screenshots if necessary.]
Steps to reproduce issue:
Step 1 - load image, edit, export, close image, clear…
Step 2 - load next image, next image shows for a split second, then previous image loads on top of it. It’s almost as if a new layer is added with the previous image on top and the new image below it.
If I zoom all the way out (28 percent view) the new image can be viewed. If I load side by side view the new image can be seen on the left with the old version seen on the right. If I zoom closer than 28 percent view the old image takes over the view completely.
There are a few other instances that I can describe but you get the gist.
- If I close the program then the problem sometimes corrects itself, but it’s back after I process one or two images. Often it gets “stuck” on this bug and I have to reboot my computer. Under the best of circumstances it will process normally for 10 or so images before the bug returns. It behaves as if there is a cache or buffer that needs to be cleared.
Often times I’m running other processes in the background (handbrake or Topaz Video AI) that can’t be interrupted to reboot. In those cases I’m forced to either kill my video editing to reboot, or abandon my image editing until I can reboot.
Either way it doesn’t matter - the problem will return soon enough anyway…
Please let me know if you need further information - this has been consistent through all versions of Video AI that I’ve owned…
Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]