V4.1.2 keeps downloading the same models and then fails

  1. The bug / behavior you have encountered
    Open Topaz Video AI;
    Input a video to upscale;
    Select 2x upscale for Proteus using all default values (Auto Parameters);
    Click ‘Export As’.

If I delete all models from my model directory and watch what it’s doing, I find that it downloads 19 .tz files and then it tries to load the model and convert, but it fails every time.

This is a new bug (it was working as expected in the last few weeks). I would upgrade to the latest version but I just don’t have the cash right now, but I think this one should still be working, right?

  1. Your system profile
    AMD 7900 XTX - GPU
    AMD 5800x 3D - CPU
    64 GB RAM

  2. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support)
    logsForSupport.zip (20.3 KB)

  3. Any screenshots as necessary

Are you using any VPN or anti-virus apps on your computer that can be blocking the model downloads? Do you have the Auto Detect Proxy settings turned on in the Preferences Panel?

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