Trim - function

when I upload mpeg-ts 9.1gb 1440x1080 29.97fps 1h21m13s
and select “Deinterlacing …”

Then I click Trim
this is where the problems start
the necessary part in the player displays 38m33s - 41m15s
but in Topaz Video - this part starts at 42m33s

intro - thinks for a long time then shows

outro - thinks for a long time then freezes


Could we take a look at this file for testing?

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:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:real size is 6.54GB

tried 3 times
the connection is broken

just load and test yours - mpeg-ts 1440x1080 29.97fps 1h21m13s

8-minute video files cuts well (trim)

I’ll try on another software to cut from 0 to 55m
I suspect that Topaz Video has a hard time processing video files longer than 1 hour < interlaced 1440x1080

cut from 0 to 50

and uploaded in Topaz Video
and without errors cut and processed - no lags

add support for - Up Arrow + Auto-Enter and Down Arrow + Auto-Enter

changing the frame / second / number without up and down arrows is inconvenient - try it yourself and you will understand what my request is about


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Maybe this post should be at the idea section as it seems to me it’s more of a feature request then a buggy existing function.

I have already created a post - Ideas

as usual ignored - like everyone else, good ideas with a lot of likes / votes

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