Topaz Video AI v4.0.4

This is interesting as I’ve seen Dione mentioned several times and haven’t run across it, I wondered if it was just in tvai old versions. Anyway a hunt around found Dione in the de-interlacing options and this post:

So it that still the best way to use Dione in the current tvai and what are people’s views on which version to use for old non-interlaced content? (Plus which did you use that you found was improved?)

I did notice I had: “bwdif=mode=0:parity=-1:deint=0” in the copied command, which wasn’t what the guide suggested I’d have (bwdif that is)? (Plus a bunch of “No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to rgb48le”.) Also it ran at a pleasantly fast rate :slight_smile:


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