Topaz Video AI v3.3.0

That was the point of my post.
Blending the enlarged and enhanced image and the original lower resolution image is more like “recover original image” and not “recover original detail”.

My current understanding is that it is not just blending the original image into the enhanced image, but it is a high pass filtered (and maybe other adjustments) version of that original image.


Yes, analyzing every frame in Auto (or Relative) is performed on the CPU which is why Auto is slower than manual. And since it takes longer to pass the frame from the CPU to the GPU in Auto, the GPU usage will be lower.


Hello, thanks for respond!
Unfortunately that didn’t help. :frowning:
Do you know maybe where I can find installation file for 3.2.0?

Just try searching in the Topaz Video AI Releases section on the forum …

If you want the actual v3.2.0 version you will need to raise a support request at the main website.

Topaz Video AI v3.2.0 - Topaz Video AI / Releases - Topaz Community (

Generally, your problem is that it can no longer find the file naming a certain number located in a hidden folder in the “C:\Windows\Installer” folder. To do this, you need to have a copy of the setup of the version currently installed to update the new one.

I hope this helps.

I’m well aware of your problem, because personally, I always transfer the file of the same weight to “C:\Windows\Installer” in order to reclaim disk space. As a result, I need to keep a copy of the current setup for the next update. And so on.

A screenshot for you. The difference is big…

Hi… Try to use recover original detail at 100

For default proteus you intend manual proteus with 0 in all parameters or auto proteus?

auto proteus

Thanks for your thoughts reveilebnu and salva. I’ll give it a try.

I told you to use recover original detail at 100 because, I found the same distorted faces on some of my old videos. With recover detail at 100 the faces are good in these videos. I tried it on a 176x144 3gp old 2005 mobile video. The results are good but only with recover detail at 100. Without this, I have alien faces.

Auto proteus with recover original detail at 0 or 100?

why does the Apollo8 model change the original frames if i do an 2x interpolation??
all other 3 models are keeping the original frames between the interpolation.

EDIT: it also looks like that the first 3 frames are the same?

Thanks for the response!

I think you need to disable ‘Remove Duplicate Frames’. I did some extensive testing with the interpolation models a month or so ago. I wasn’t paying attention to that specifically, but if I remember correctly, on all models, having a higher value in the ‘Remove Duplicate Frames’ slider made the original frames less likely to make it into the output.

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recover original detail at 1

2-100 = no good

no - change to 1

“Remove Duplicate Frames” on or off or slider at 1 or 100 … nothing does change…
the first 3 frame are the same and all original frames are also interpolated

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