Topaz Video AI v3.2.9

Even in version 3.2.9 the preview gets stuck at some point. I put the video file to the dropboxes of Yazi, Yuan and Suraj.


I’ve put the logs to the drop boxes too. :slight_smile:

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Same goes for the Proteus v3.


Probv3 auto (3.0.11 more focused)

Probv3 auto (3.0.12 to 3.2.9 more blurred)

In 3.2.9 at the change of the scene, you can see a sudden distinct blurring, that not appear in 3.0.11. The models are the same.

Were you using Auto, Relative to Auto or Manual?

Providing logs won’t help much with this I don’t think, as it’s not a bug, and this isn’t unique to this user or release version.

It’s just part of the crappy instant preview behaviour as described in my post: Time to address 'the elephant in the room' with Video AI - the janky playback of the instant preview

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Possibly unless the preview is actually not loading

Why NO AUDIO? Is there some setting for this?
No way do I want to use this without any audio. Is a fix coming or do I downgrade?

I was using AUTO.

Were you in the exact same scene when you choose the model? If you were not, the parameters will change?

@ida.topazlabs Would it be possible to use “-preset p7” instead of medium and “-tune hq” to reach a higher encoding quality with HEVC with NVenc in the gui?

@david.123 Saw your post about the encoders.json. Thank you!


Like I told you, I was using Auto. I have tried to start from after the change of scene, but with auto the problem is the same. If I try to go manual and estimate the parameters, the parameters change in the two scene and if I upscale in manual with the parameters estimated, obviously the upscale is with these values for the entire movie. If I manual click on estimate the same scene with the 3.0.11 and with the 3.2.9, the parameters are identical and the upscale is identical. The problem is when I go with auto that the upscales are totally different. The problem is probably in the dehalo, because, If i use relative to auto, If I go too -100 or to 100 dehalo, the movie is blurred identical to auto, without changing anything. This dehalo problem is very similar to the problem of dtd 4 that is dehaloed from 3.0.12 to 3.2.9

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I have been saying this for a very long time but they do nothing about it.

I have notices the previews and even the exports of video when you trim them the playback gets stuck. I have been saying this for a long time now and waiting for the next update and nothing the next update and nothing? when is this problem going to be addresed?

It’s weird because I have audio in my export file.

Quick question: Why is it so hard to log in to our account? I use the Edge browser and I’ve never had this problem before. See picture:

It’s been on a continuous loop for 2 days. I’ve never had this before. I finally had to log in with Firefox to access my account and post comments.

Are there any problems with CloudFlare?

Thank you for sharing your experience! Our team is looking into this.

We are consistently working on the preview experience. While certain issues may linger longer than others, that does not mean that our team is not working on creating a better experience.

Some issues take a bit longer to sort out than others :slight_smile:

I cannot reproduce this behavior locally, is this file specific for you or consistently reproducible on your end?

Can you please post your specs?

How To Obtain Your System Profile (Windows)
How To Obtain Your System Profile (Mac)

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Where is audio missing? There is no audio when using the in-app video player or when viewing previews. You should hear audio when you open the exported file in an external player.