Topaz Video AI v3.0.0

which gear ? which source ? which aspect ratio ? which computer ? which card ? which system ?

here, windows 11 insider preview, 1050ti, 32Gb Ram :

  • Source : 720x480 and 640x480 with ProRest HQ on V3.0.0.0.
    Output : 4/3 ! as it’s 4/3, i’m doing an output of a 1440x1080 NOT 1920x1080 ! (issue reported earlier in this thread yesterday about this)…

result : respectively 0.42 s/f and 0.43s/f with a 1050ti

  • Source : 624x352 16/9 → 1920x1080 Artmis Low Prores HQ : 0.95 f/s the result is double slower, it’s normal, the 624x352 is not a resolution good for VEAI to, and having a bigger speed with bigger resolution as 720x480 or 640x480 is normal.

i don’t have this issue here. can you tell exactly what you do, your setting, kind of course and output, models etc… tell me as well what you setup in preference (model, temp folder etc), I can try to see if i can reprodure here your situation !

Apple M1 Pro unbinned, 16GB RAM, well the aspect-ratio-issues seems to be it. It’s a 4:3 file. Now it is almost the same. But I’ll stick to 2.6.4 until the major bugs are ironed out.

…but still: other file .mkv h.264 1080p to 1080p, just cleanup with artemis low quality: half the speed from 2.6.4. to 3.0.0., both prores output.

the issue on apple M1 pro you’re talking about (not the 4/3 thing) is known i think. too many reports.

if my memory is correct, VEAI is programmed on an Apple M1 Pro, so let’s see if the next update will fix some of the issues :wink: .

If you have the latest Nvidia Driver loaded with the GeForce Experience gaming add-on, if you press “Alt” and “R” keys on your keyboard simultaneously, a small panel will open which shows you CPU and GPU work percentages. While it is not the most comprehensive display I’ve ever seen, it will provide you with fast information about whether your apps are making much use of your GPU or not.

Also, I don’t think GeForce Experience will make much impact on the performance of your system.

Trial and error. Just another term for debugging.
They say that doing exactly the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. It is also called debugging.


I can understand if you edit the preset that is currently the default that you may need to retell the program to use it as the default, however every time i add a new preset or do anything with presets at all, the default present reverts to ‘none’. Why is that?

Revert to “none” occur only when you restart VEAI. As long as you keep it open it keeps the preset you have chosen at start.

I hope this gets fixed, of course. In the meantime, would image file output be an option for you?

Topaz Video AI v3.0.0.7 & Early Beta Release were the only versions that finished processing my video without crashing windows. Final Release v3.0.0 crashes (4.6 KB)

Because they are supporting variable frame rates…MP4 containers don’t support VFR, MKV does. Besides, since they are now using ffmpeg exclusively for processing, support for mkv containers is almost free.

One of the most requested features was the ability to just take and input file and produce an output file that the user could put on their HTPC or Plex or Emby servers. None of these users want to mess with post processing or remuxing.

  1. Moving this slider does nothing. It always shows the same frame.
  2. This button does not do anything. What is it supposed to do?
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  1. slower a bit the speed of 1.

it works but it’s subtle as 1. is already not playing at the “normal 1x speed”.

they must fix 1. first, so you can really see the difference with 2.
but if you look closely to the picture, you’ll see that it’s a bit more slower.

Odd Problem.

It appears that now that we have a released version of VEAI 3.0, there is a (new) problem with export.

On selecting Export, it opens the source directory for the file being processed. However if the destination folder is changed, VEAI uses the Source folder to build the temp file and assigns it a temporary-style name, like “,” not the name that was keyed into the filename line of the “Export As” file dialog.

If a lossless format has been selected, the temporary output file can be huge, which can cause problems, especially if the finished ‘temp’ image is then to be copied to its final (intended) name, I could easily overfill the drive and terminate. - I believe that this has already happened here several time this last few days.

The temp files should be built (and deleted) from the temporary file area designated for VEAI to use. This should be either the default temp or. the temp folder specifically set in preferences.

As a final suggestion, I, believe that VEAI should create it’s own sub-folder in the temp area. - For the last few weeks of beta testing I’ve allowed it to use the default temp area. I inspected it today an found that there was nearly 300 GB of temp .AVI, .MOV and .TIFF files from previous VEAI runs there, which I had to delete manually. Some of them were quite recent. - A real waste of space.

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This is during the Export processing. Even though it is almost done processing now, it still shows the opening frame (Paramount stars). I thought moving the slider (1) would somehow make it show the latest processed frame (VEAI does this automatically).

Interesting observation regarding CPU/GPU usage in Windows…

I run a i9-12900 CPU with a RTX-380Ti. In version 2.6 Topaz VEAI ran exclusively on the Performance core if it was open on the desktop, but exclusively on the Efficiency cores if minimized. Version 3,0 runs on both when open or minimized.

Also in 3.0, the average load on my CPU is ~15% vs ~50% on the GPU. This is almost the exact opposite of version 2.6. (This when running two SD>4K upscales simultaneously).

In your example, the ‘prob-3’ file is the one generated during the upscale, while the ‘tvai’ file is just a renamed copy. Check the creation/modified dates on the files. The tvai files will have almost the same datetime stamps for both (depending on you storage media and file size anywhere from seconds to over a minute difference). The model named file will have a last modified time that is later than creation by the time taken to do the processing.

I’m assuming they are doing this to release any over allocation of disk space done during processing. They just forget to delete the original file (as they do elsewhere).

yes, 3.0 is a bit chaotic for some… a new update will normally i think be released tomorrow, i hope with as much of bug fixes as possible.

for Export, if you used Proteus / auto , it shows a picture after some times, usually after 1/3 of the video already processed, more or less. there are unfortunaly some features not implanted yet.

i just had a graphic card update today with a RTX, so i’ll be able to test all this a bit more seriously than before. are you on windows or mac/OSx ?


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