Topaz Video AI only processsing a few MB of video

When I try to process VOB and media player video the first pass takes only a few seconds, and the second one two to 10 minutes, and the result is a file with 3 to 11 MB. I have tried varying the type of criteria, etc, but get the same result. The file is processed and get a green checkmark but the result is only a minute or two of processed video instead of 30 to 60 minutes.

I have made copies of my computer profile and the last log (the one associated with my last attempt, but don’t know how to attach.

Hi David,

This error sounds like an issue specific to .VOB files that are not wrapped in a container with timecode correction.

I recommend using MPEG Streamclip to rewrap the file as a .mpeg after using the “Fix Timecode Breaks” option in the app’s Edit menu. The resulting file should run without issue in Topaz Video AI.

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