Topaz Video AI Adding Black area ahead of Video :

[If you are posting a new bug, please include the following]

  1. The bug / behavior you have encountered
    Loading Video From Video AI into Resolve Shows
    Blank Black frames ahead of Video.

  2. Your system profile
    iMacJul192024.spx (4.6 MB)

  3. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support) (198.9 KB)

  4. Any screenshots as necessary

[Please be sure to have searched for your bug before posting. Duplicate posts will be removed.]


and i thought that was being caused by MPC after the klite codec pack update hit lol… good to know and ill try to post some logs if possible but im about to wipe my system and do a clean Win11 Pro install.

Its been a year and im due…plus i might have messed around with the Win Scheduler in Feb and some other reg settings and lost the backup file that would have restored only the changes to default…long term testing as it were… lol oops!

Are the black frames present when playing the video back outside of resolve like using QuickTime or VLC?

In resolve the black frame is before .If I use macxVideo converter and trim there is no black frames.
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