Topaz Video AI 4.0 Preview Export While in Progress Issue

Hi There,

I noticed I can no longer view the exports while the video is being processed. I attempted using the double-click and selecting an external player option to no avail. I periodically look at the progress of the video to see how it is going, with the new update it doesn’t seem to work. All I’m able to see is the preview videos.

Is this feature no longer operational in the new version?

Thanks in advance


See if you can drag the column. I found that it pushes it out of view.

Same thing for me. And if you delete the previews, both panels show the original.

Solved problems by reverting to 3.5.4.

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So true. SMH!

Yeah, where did the video-preview-in-progress-as-you-export go??


That is what I had to do as well. So nuts!

I really miss the ability to actually watch the video frame by frame as it encodes. Now you have to wait for it to finish before viewing the end result. I liked using it during the final export process. SMH!

Drag the columns? There are no Previews to drag. Am I missing something?

I can’t get rid of the column. When I start processing videos (without running a preview), the preview column is still there taking up space, and I can only drag the divider so far to the left.

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