Topaz version 3

have just updated to version 3, still same issue with lagging of brush but now also when exporting image topaz has changed from DNG file to TIFF and TIFF won’t export to my apple Mac m1.
Topaz has gone from bad to worse
Can someone help me to get topaz to work

Here’s some information:

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I have the similar issue when using 3.0 version within Capture One, the TPAI 3.0 even did not write to any file, only showing it is converting .dng to .tiff, but I was not able to find the output file, and nothing has been loaded back to Capture one.
will revert back to V2.4.2 and hope it will be fixed.

Hi Kathy,
thanks for the the info, can you give me a link to download v2.4.2 to my apple Mac m1
cheers Bassa

Here is a link to the Releases page. You can click on the link for v2.4.2 or any other version you desire. The downloads for Windows & Mac will be in the first post so you may have to scroll to the top of the thread to see it.