Topaz Photo AI v3.0.4

Hello everyone,

Today’s patch release comes with bug fixes and and UI updates to Photo AI.

The status indicator has a new home on the side of the preview. It hides after the preview updates to give your image more space.


Please share any feedback or report issues with the release. We are continuing to improve Topaz Photo AI with your help.

Released June 13th, 2024
Mac: Download
Windows: Download

Full changelog for version 3.0.4:

  • Updated status indicator
  • Other UI/X tweaks
  • Fix crop, upscale to specific pixel dimensions, and face recovery causing disjointed face output
  • Fix crop and upscale causing preview area to shrink
  • Added version number to the title bar
  • New frameless window implementation on Windows to fix black window area issue and allow hovering over the maximize button to show the snap options
  • Lensfun Update

Lingyu Kong
Product Specialist
Topaz Photo AI


Nice update - can confirm that the window sizing bug reported here has been fixed in this release:

Now, I want perfection:

When maximized, then minimized and restored (or closed and reopened), I’d like to see the application window return to a maximized state, not just 99% of maximized. I can live with it, but why stop at 99% when you can have perfection?



No news about sending back .DNG to C1?? Still .tiff. ???


Overall, it is similar to 3.0.3. It works smoothly for me, and it is good to have the version number on the top again, but…

Preserve Text STILL does NOT preserve text! So many of my images still require the last fully working version, 2.3.2.

Original Image above…

Image mangled by 3.0.4 above…

Finally, the one from the last working version, 2.3.2. It looks great, and even recovers some text that was almost unreadable on the original (the script part that says “thin, crisp, fresh”. Only this one makes me hungry.

There is no excuse for not fixing this by now. You have the code that works great – it needs no improvement or change. It just needs to be in current versions.



Hey Samb,

We’re definitely making progress on this item, but it likely won’t be released in these minor update cycles due to the nature and scale of this type of change. We’ll let you know as soon as a fix is available.


Nightmare mode on?
(Default settings = 4x upscale, Standard v2)


Dakota, I appreciate the update, but do not accept your logic. You already had this working, and working well, then you broke it. Now, you want us to wait until you make some big change. This is the fundamental flaw with the current production procedures – preferring the shiny and new over simply first fixing what you have.

At minimum, put the old logic back in a minor update right away and then take your time with any fancy new ideas.



I am still getting the problem of the window misalignment which obscures the taskbar with v 3.0.4. Was this meant to be fixed with this release? Using Win 11, issue occurs in standalone and embedded modes.

Scrub that last post. Managed to get to edge of resize gadget to correct it and it now works consistently.


Update 3.0.4 won’t install. ‘error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and is writable’.

my licence has expired and I’m not paying them a cent until they fix the Capture One issue i.e. put it back to how it was in version 2.whatever. Can anyone confirm whether it’s fixed or not? or do i just give up now and go elsewhere?

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Is there an easy way for me to keep 2.3.2 on my computers to use (one is a Mac and one is a PC Windows 11) and at the same time install 3.0.4? With all the bugs and regressions introduced in all versions after 2.3.2 I do not want to lose it in order to try out and possibly use 3.0.4. Thank you.



On the Mac, during installation it will ask you want the standard location. Change this to another Container/Partition and you will have both. I use 2.3.2 for anything with text in it, and 3.x for most others. The latest versions do seem to process a little quicker, and the new features (selections for all enhancements and multiple runs of features with varying selections) are occasionally useful.

In another similar thread someone said this cannot be done on a PC, but I do not use a PC and could not answer whether or not there is a way.


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Hi @dakota.wixom,

Is there any update on fixing the DNG workflow so it remembers the Lightroom adjustments (including crop) when returning the image on Mac? To have to sync settings between the original and the returned image renders v3 unusable in my workflow. Back to 2.4.2 I go, and to be honest I will reconsider whether I renew my support next time if this is how long major bugs take to get fixed.




This includes lens Profile adjustments as well - my import setting to LR set these and they disappear on return from Photo AI.

Also, newly discovered one - the metadata of the camera settings in the overlay is corrupted on the return image - example of original overlay in Lightroom;

And this is the returned images overlay;

Values are not accurate and aperture and shutter speed are lost.



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There is still an annoying GUI-Bug with the “Floating Window Panel”:

If I add for example an Sharpen-Filter then the Panel fades-in and always abruptly jumps to the right Side… This is really annoying…
Please fix it!

Here is a Video to better show you this Bug:

Still no fix for the DNG export when using with Photoshop Elements as a supplemental editor?

Udated Status Indicator
Does nobody do UI tests at Topaz? It is simply changed and nobody cares whether it makes sense.

All controls are at the top and on the right. But the status indicator now has to be at the bottom left. Diagonally on the other side. So that you have to look to the right every time you work to make adjustments and then to the bottom left to see if the calculations are finished. In addition, it still covers the image. God knows there is enough unused space in this UI where it could be placed.
The image to be edited is the most important thing that the interface should display. That’s what we’re all about when we work with PAI. So there should be as little as possible - preferably nothing at all - to distract from it. Instead, since version 3, a new way of covering the image is constantly being found.

As others have already pointed out, design adjustments are once again being prioritised over urgently needed repairs.


On some images during zoom in/out via mouse wheel the right preview window shows a flickering wrong to right aspect ratio during zoom.

And again, doesn’t work for Capture One. Still exporting as TIFF. As it seems that Topaz ignore us C1 users, please give us back the money we paid for Photo AI !