Topaz Photo AI v1.2.9 Model Load problem

When in Lightroom and I try to Edit in Topaz Photo AI v1.2.9 I get an error message:
Could not load model”.
This only started to happen after the latest up. It has been working fine every day before the update. Can I do something to fix this problem or rollback the update to the last version.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Hi @david.loaney, can you submit a support ticket about this using our beacon at This sounds like it may be a local conflict as we haven’t had similar reports in 1.2.9 quite yet.

Please try to recreate the crash and gather your logs files when you write in as well.

After this, if you’d like to revert to version 1.2.8 we have the downloads on our releases page here;