Topaz Photo AI 1.3.11 Upscale low resolution too strong

Since a few AI updates the Upscale “low resolution” is too strong. I have to use Topaz Gigapixel AI (last version) to get a realistic image (mild denoise, mild sharpen) when I crop my bird photos. With Topaz Photo AI Upscale “low resolution” many parts of the birds get overexposed with unrealistic shiny feathers and bill.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1 load photo, run Autopilot
  2. Step 2 Crop and scale up to 6960 x 4639 PX, ensure “low resolution” is chosen.
  3. Step 3 Ensure Remove Noise is not avtive (this would lead to even more unrealistic shiny feathers).
  4. Step. View results, load photo with Gigapixel AI, Crop photo, use “low resolution” and scale up to 6960 x 4639 PX, view the results (much better, natural bird image)

Please bring the “low resolution” setting from Gigapixel (last version) as an alternative option to Topay Photo AI, so that also high quality bird photos can be furthern enhanced. Thank you, Jörg

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

Hi @jorg.hanoldt, would you be able to upload the original image that you’re working with so we can test it and compare the models on our systems?

Thank you!

Hi Jörg, I can’t answer your question, but would it be possible to emailing you in regards to an image of yours in eBird Cheers,Peter

Dear Peter,

sure you can,

Best regards,


Hi Jörg,
I saw your great image of the nominate Papuan Lorikeet in the Arfaks. This bird, the nominate species is seldom photographed at least not at this quality. I occasionally write articles and was wondering if you allow the use of your image on the Charmosyna. I myself have many images of the sub-species C. p.stellae but at 72 years of age I don’t think I will have the chance to visit the Arfaks. If you allow me to use your image I will need as high a resolution as possible and of course you will be recognised as the photographer in the article. Can you give me any details of your experience with the bird eg status at the time and what it may have been feeding on or its behaviour would be extra special. I look forward to you reply and if you have more images I would value seeing them. I have a special interest in the parrot family and hope one day to be lucky enough to get images of species that have seldom been photographed like the White-naped Lory Lorius albidinucha from New Ireland.
Kind Regards,

Dear Preston,
if cropping the Sedge Wren with Topaz Photo, take a look at the nape when you scroll in, looking like some silver Christmas lametta instead of feathers.
When cropping in the Yellow-breasted Chat with Topaz Photo, look at the unrealistic carving of the bill and the glass-like appearance of the fluffing flank feathers in front of the wings.
When cropping the Eastern Wood Pewee take a look at the base of the bill (much too shiny) and the front face (lores) that are artificially clearly. The beard will be split into seperate feathers that are non-existing in the original photo.
All the Topaz Gigapixel Crop with Low resolution reproduce a more natural immage.
Thanks, best regards, Jörg

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