Topaz Denoise Black Screen

Do you have more than one version installed, because if you don’t you need to raise a support request and get the support engineers to remote and see what the issue is on your PC because if you have set to High Performance it should automatically pick it up. Make sure that the start Icon points to the correct install location.

Also I note that you have installed DeNoise AI into the 32bit app folder, “Program Files (x86)”, instead of the “Program Files” folder. I don’t know if that makes a difference because I have never done it myself.

Is your Windows a 32bit version or 64bit version? You can check by going to the Control Panel and type this in the search bar … “Control Panel\System and Security\System” excluding the quotes and it should look like this:


@AiDon I now reinstalled it in the Program Files folder (I never knew what the difference was), followed all the other steps again, but still black output. I will contact the support engineers. Thank you for your help and patience!

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Same problem
Application & Version: Topaz DeNoise AI Version 2.2.2

Operating System: Windows 10 (10.0)

Graphics Hardware: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530

OpenGL Driver: 3.3.0 - Build

CPU RAM: 16292 MB

Video RAM: 1500 MB

Preview Limit: 3466 Pixels

Same answer - your graphics card doesn’t meet the minimum requirements. Try going to Preferences and turning GPU Processing off and see if that helps.

sometimes works sometimes do not. Will U tell me how to set please?

Go to File>Preferences. Select Advanced Preferences then set Enable discrete GPU to No.

ok thanks. What about memory consumption settings and openVINO?

Black file problem—
It seems that the only way I could get it working is to buy a MSi Geforce1050ti 4GB video card for $190 and put it in my HP Envy 700-074 tower i5 4430 3Ghz system with 12 gig of ram and windows 10 and it started working correctly then. There is still an occasional hiccup where it may not save anything at all. It is a shame we have to spend so much just to get this program to work.
I will say that the software does a nice job in a reasonable time now.

I think memory use is only for the GPU. Paul said to turn the GPU off since it is not capable. If Open VINO is not grayed out then try to use it as it will speed up the process.

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ok thanks

Can You tell me if model of videocard MSI GeForce GTX 1650 GT LP 4GB OC is ok? If Yes and I will buy it, sholuld I do sth more with settings?

The GTX 1650 4GB should work ok. It is just a bit slower than the RX580 I had and it worked well. Here is a list of graphics cards based on their performance. The higher the number the better. If you can afford it I would recommend a GTX 1660 Super. I now have a Radeon RX5600 XT.

Hi, I recently downloaded the trial version of DeNoise AI version 2.2.2 and I am also getting the black output file from DeNoise AI when using standalone and as Photoshop plugin. After reading through this thread I have upgraded GPU and OpenGL drivers. In preferences I have set Enable discrete GPU=NO, and Enable Intel OpenVino =YES. I have allocated Topaz Denoise AI.exe to High Performance in the graphics settings. Graphics info is:
Application & Version: Topaz DeNoise AI Version 2.2.2

Operating System: Windows 10 (10.0)

Graphics Hardware: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620

OpenGL Driver: 3.3.0 - Build

CPU RAM: 8064 MB

Video RAM: 1500 MB

Preview Limit: 3466 Pixels

Can you please help. I am very pleased with the results I am seeing on screen from the product, just need to get past this black output file before I buy. Thanks … Mike Close

You need to check if you have a second GPU on your system, your GPU doesn’t meet the minimum requirements.

Try selecting CPU/OpenVINO as the processing option under Advanced Preferences and see if that helps.

I only have one gpu, I tried setting Openvino to on and still got the completely black output file.

How big, in pixel dimensions, is the input file?

The input file is 6024 px by 4022 px. File is in .TIF format.

Try a smaller image and see if that is ok.

I tried a series of multiple images, resizing the image to various sizes (from 1204x804 up to 6024x4022). I was able to open files up to 5421px by 3619px (90% of my sensor size) Anything larger than that resulted in the all black output file.

You should raise a support request at the main website and see if there is any help they can offer.