TIFF (12K res) openable in Video AI 5

Simply trying to open a TIFF rendered from After Effects to sRGB colorspace. Clicking to open or drag into app says “error loading file”.

10k x 12k resolution @ 32b color.

Saving it to an EXR in PS then loading shows “converting to 16b TIFF” … but after doing so stays on the load screen.

I the re-output at 16b TIFF from AE and cannot load it. Tried creating 3 duplicates with filenames ending in _000 _001 _002 in case it’s looking for a sequence. No luck.

Log + Profile attached below.

DxDiag.txt (159.8 KB)
logsForSupport.zip (15.4 KB)

Have you checked the dxdiag to see all the errors on your system ?

Thanks @menditsa , I scanned the txt file but am not familiar with any of this.
Are there specific errors you’re referring to?

At the very end under diagnostics.

The various WEM errors.

Thank you for clarifying. I did see those at the end but it makes zero sense to me.
What do i do with this information?

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