There's something wrong when trying to crop a 16:9 frame from anamoprhic 4:3 PAL DVD

Thank you.

I just had a crash when trying to start a preview render on an mpg file extracted from a Pal DVD, which worked flawlessly with 4.1.

Is it correct that FFmpeg.exe tries to establish an internet connection on crash with the beta without notification? And if so, what’s the purpose?

My wording above is incorrect. It wasn’t a crash, but the word "error " in red letters on the message on the preview item in the list. Seems that it was caused by my firewall blocking internet access for the beta and has nothing to do with the source video.

However, it would be important to know if there’s any transfer over the internet, beside of downloading the models?

That would just be a new model download, no video content is transmitted when using Video AI.

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Thank you for the information.

After a few hours of cropping, I’m convinced. when selecting predefined aspect ratios from the list, fixing what the crop rectangle shows (SAR not applied) in relation to the frame (SAR applied) is mandatory for convenient working. The same is true for preserving all existing settings on the panel right hand side, except of the parameters directly affected by the cropping, i.e the frame dimensions before and after scaling.