Studio v1.6.7/v1.6.8 ... Not Ready for PRD

I see the All, My, Favourite, Like, Recent etc., in the top level in your previous post about the interface.

Then you can see the Public and other sort options used in the drop down menu when you choose a category …

Use HD Preview, and check the output again. We’re working on improving the use case for HD Preview.

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Can you identify what still is not stable. The whole point of these updates was to provide stability to the release.

Some issues are very high priority and must be fixed as soon as they are found. We’re working on a change to prevent this from happening.

All product tour images are completely brand new. And they are accurate.

Maybe using stable wasn’t the right choice?
But in the case of not getting the same result after hitting Apply after using an adjustment is not what one would expect?

I haven’t tried using the HD preview yet, but I would assume that most people may not as well and then that only leads to more people asking the same question… why this is happening? You would then be answering the same questions repeatedly?

My other question that you did not refer to was:
Why display and add the Get to know the Interface window showing the Filter option buttons available and then they are not there upon opening Studio? We then we have to ask the question… why am I not seeing this and is this a bug issue?

Just trying to understand the process of new releases when some features are misleading and just trying to cut down on asking questions that you have to address.

This is directly related to the Smudge Adjustment. Improving the handling of downsampled Adjustments on images by better leveraging the HD Preview option in a future update will help minimize the differences. For now, just use the HD Preview button. In any case, this does not reflect on the 1.6.9 release in any way.

These screenshots were created using 1.6.5, and I just noticed those sorting options were removed in 1.6.7. We’ll get it fixed.


I beg to differ on that …

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If you read my screenshots posted above you will see… it happens in Glow Adjustment in the PR 1.6.9 release too?

I did try using the HD button first, here is what I find:
After opening an image and selecting the HD button first_ I make an adjustment in Glow.
I like the results and hit Apply… the Applied effect image does not look the same as the original adjustment?
The effect/details is much softer looking in appearance even if I hit the HD button, they do not match?

So I click on the Original image (after first using the HD button)_ and when I hit the HD button again it now matches the softer looking Applied image? It seems to take on the softer looking results which I do not want?

How do I get the results I made & want using the Adjustment on the Original image to appear after hitting Apply while using the HD button?

We believe that beta testers only were having this issue caused by a change in the location of the tgrc folder and a setting.
I found that it was actually really difficult to explain to testers the cause of the bug, and also how to fix it. The fix you recommended of just adding the necessary brushes was far easier to understand, and seemed to do the trick better.

For users that never downloaded Beta 1.6.5 (the case being that they only updated from PR 1.5.3) this missing brushes issue did not appear.

Looking at this thread again, it seems to me that the missing brushes issue thoroughly aggravated testers, so I think it is a good idea for me to make a new thread with your missing brushes fix just to make sure that we get all the testers back on the same page again.

Also, if we dont get their brushes fixed, they may assume that all users also have this problem, and then of course I could see why they would think that we are releasing broken garbage software.