Sharpen AI v3.2

A question about the upgrade policy ( a hypothetical): Let’s say a new version, we’ll call it 3.x.y, comes out within a few days of my license expiration but I don’t notice it until after my license has expired. Will I still be allowed to upgrade to 3.x.y?

Seems like if you owned & paid for the 3.x…a-z annual series you should be able to download any of the releases in that sequence even if late doing so. But not get the subsequent annual series (4.x.a-z or 3.y.a-z - depending on how Topaz numbers) unless you renew for the next annual series. That’s just my personal impression/opinion.

Sharpen 3.2.0 It’s terribly slow to take a vacation for one editing, the program and falls must not rush and after shifting the photo terribly long again loads. Against the past version terrible, getting more challenging

Do you have a pretty beefy video card? It is well known that Topaz is a GPU focused program becasue its faster.I have a rtx 3090 and some pictures make it work for its money.

Ok, I turned off the Raw processing and lens correction to tryu and fix this, but all my pictures are coming out washed and dull. Itas very yellowish. I tried with both my 3090 as the processor and the CPU. Same terrible results.

Mine no longer has color profile as an option.

Which image format are you choosing? You only get the colour profile option with TIF/TIFF or JPG/JPEG.

Topaz Sharpen AI 2.2.1. It works flawlessly, as well as other Denoise products, etc. I will not even change a new graphics card with every new topaz release. The half of the world would have to change what Topaz cannot adapt. DXO Pure Raw manages this for a minute and reduces processing with better results. I liked the topaz, but it seems to be coming to the upgrade to the upgrade more demanding. Topaz Denoise can process Nef to DNG without qualitative changes. The same Nef Topaz Sharpen AI 3.2.0. It cannot color in color regardless of that Nef loads an incredible 7 minutes with color shift even after turning off the auto control defects and after any photo shift, or selecting a new processing of another terrible minute. Even as a plug in in Adobe working with JPG, or TIF, processing is blamelessly long. In doing so, Topaz Sharpen AI 2.2.1. He worked quanking. The error is in Topaz

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Assuming you own 3.x.x then yes you would, in fact you’d be entitled to 3.x.y (and 3.x.z etc.) even if released AFTER your licence expired. It would only be 3.y.a or 4.a.a that would require you to have a current upgrade licence.

Okay, Paul gave the same answer I did.

So, that seems to suggest that if your “friend” “hypothetically” let their SAI subscription lapse they should still be able to download/use the latest release included in their lapsed (owned) series… Lucky them! :+1:t2:

I have a problem with Motion Blur and the Very Blurry option. It exists in 3.2 and the previous release too. Very Blurry ALWAYS makes the image MORE blurry. Normal and Very Noisy are okay.

Note that Very Blurry does work properly with Out of Focus and Too Soft.

I have tried it on several photos and in all cases Motion Blur + Very Blurry is more blurred than the original.

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Topaz Sharpen AI 2.2.1. Funguje bezchybně, stejně jako další produkty Denoise atd. S každým novým vydáním topazu ani nebudu měnit novou grafickou kartu. Polovina světa by musela změnit to, co Topaz nedokáže přizpůsobit. DXO Pure Raw to zvládne na minutu a omezí zpracování s lepšími výsledky. Topaz se mi líbil, ale zdá se, že na upgrade na upgrade přichází náročněji. Topaz Denoise dokáže zpracovat Nef na DNG bez kvalitativních změn. Stejný Nef Topaz Sharpen AI 3.2.0. Bez ohledu na to Nef nemůže barvit bez ohledu na to, že Nef načte neuvěřitelných 7 minut s posunem barev, i když vypnete závady automatického ovládání a po jakémkoli posunu fotografií nebo zvolíte nové zpracování další hrozné minuty. I když je plug -in v Adobe pracující s JPG nebo TIF, zpracování je bezúhonně dlouhé. Přitom Topaz Sharpen AI 2.2.1. Pracoval quanking. Chyba je v Topazu

Thank you both for helping clarify.


As I posted earlier I too have the same problem, 3.1.2 perfect, 3.2 way too slow to be of any use. I do not know if it even works eventually as I cannot wait that long to see!

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Do other people see this behavior also with Motion Blur + Very Blurry?

Agreed. Had to revert to 3.1.2. Processing taking 7-10 minutes in 3.2 for a single photo vs 10-20 seconds in 3.1.2.

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I had installed 3.2 using the full installer, but I had not uninstalled 3.1.2 beforehand. Just now I uninstalled 3.2 and went to the Win10 AppData folder and deleted the SharpenAI folder also. I then reinstalled 3.2 with the full installer. Unfortunately, Motion Blur + Very Blurry is still broken.

I then changed the Preferences to use the CPU instead of my Nvidia GPU. That makes it run much slower, but now Motion Blur + Very Blurry works. On the Topaz forums I have read several times about problems with regards to getting different, worse results when using a GPU instead of the CPU, but I had never noticed any problems before. I have been bit now though. :frowning:

I have the 2021/4/23 - Nvidia driver so a very recent one. I read recently that Topaz says to not use the current driver because it has problems so everyone should go back to an older one from May or April 2021.

If I have to start using the CPU instead of the GPU then Topaz is very slow and hard to use. :frowning:

I would like to return to the older version I have not saved, please refer to Topaz Sharpen AI 3.1.2. I didn’t save him before and I don’t know where to look for her. After logging on your account I only have an offer to 3.2.0 Thank you very much. Sleha

You can get previous versions from the Product Releases page:

And please don’t make duplicate posts - once is enough.

Please do not make duplicate posts in multiple categories. Once is enough.