Saving image sequence uses starting frame # instead of specified number

saving an image sequence now names the images based on the starting frame selected in the video and ignores the user specified starting number upon saving.

In v5.0.1 you can turn off the “keep original frame numbers” and set a custom start #. Are you not getting this option in v5.0.1? We did just release a patch update for v5.0.2 to address a few issues that were mentioned by the users after the last release.


I was unchecking the “keep original frame numbers” and putting my own start number, I just tested it and it’s still an issue in 5.0.1. Always uses start frame number. This started with the 5.0 release, it was fine before that.

Can you post the logs or send them to for the team to take a look and share with the devs? This way we can work on getting it fixed in an upcoming patch.

2024-04-16-15-07-43-Main.tzlog (70.8 KB)