Program won't save large images

I have been away from Topaz for several months due to health issues. Yesterday I came back, wanting to upscale 3461 x 3461 to 9345 x 9345. Still getting used to the new look, but my problem is that I have tried multiple times to upscale and save my upscaled image with no luck. It appears to upscale without any problem, but the software unexpectedly closes by itself without saving the larger, enhanced image.

Is it possible that I’m doing something wrong, since all of the commands are different onscreen now? Is this a bug in the software that needs to be addressed?

I use Topaz for print on demand, and what I have ordered has come back fantastic looking. I was hoping that Topaz was the answer to my prayers. There have been some bugs along the way, but I expected that. I also expected it to take some time to save larger, upscaled images. Not being able to save at all is incredibly frustrating.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please send me your system profile information so I can check if your computer hardware is up to date.

You can securely submit your files(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.

Please be sure to send me a note here to let me know you sent something.

Hey, John. That’s already been done, and it was determined that my RAM was deficient. I think it was Tim who told me that.


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