Presets create duplicate entries

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Presets are a valuable addition. However there is an issue, I would like to mention:
When opening an image in Photo AI, the Auto Pilot makes its suggestions. If you then want to apply your preset, you will have double entries of the enhancers. So, I suggest to add the option of removing the entries from Auto-Pilot when applying the ones from the preset. It would only need a dialog whether you want to replace the entries, when using the preset.

Steps to reproduce issue:

Topaz Photo AI [v3.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

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You can disable Autopilot from being ran on your images by going to Preferences > Autopilot and toggling the option off to Automatically apply filters as a workaround for this problem.

Thanks, this is clear to me, but I am interested in the suggestion from AutoPilot – and then after having examined it, I may switch to my Preset. Otherwise you might also make a simpler access to use the presets without even having to open the image in the plugin and just run the preset on a whole series of images