Photo AI v2.0.2 locks up when removing noise

Opening a file from Lightroom via plugin extras-process in Topaz photo AI the progress dial stops moving. Works O.K. if just shsrpening.
This started after updating to Photo AI v2.0, still the same with v2.0.2
Running Windows Ten on AMD Ryzen 7 with Invidea GE Force GTX 1660 TI.

2023-09-22-18-50-3.tzlog (69.5 KB)

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

As a follow up the files I am processing are .orf from OM sysrems OM1 amd .nef from Nikon Z7ii. If I right click a file and choose ‘Edit In with Lightroom adjustments’ it works O.K. with the Tiff file that is generated.
How do I go back to a version before the 2.00 update?

Thanks for reaching out. It looks like this is an error with the graphics card that we are looking into a fix for.

I made a task for my team to check on this. If you want to roll back to a version from before 2.0.0, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Add/Remove programs and uninstall Topaz Photo AI.
  2. Delete the registry files for Topaz Photo AI using instructions here.
  3. Download the Windows installer for the previous v1.5.4 of Topaz Photo AI here. Make sure Lightroom Classic and Photoshop are closed during this step.

Thanks for the feedback.
In preferences I have changed the AI processor from Auto to CPU and so far it seems to be working O.K.

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I’ll follow up once I have more information on this.

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