Photo AI 1.3.0: Apply to All does not include Crop settings

The functionality Apply current settings to all does not copy the crop settings.
So if you set-up everything correctly on the first image (all models, parameters and crop) and apply that to all other loaded images, and start up the saving process, you will get 1 image cropped (the first) and the rest not cropped. I found that out the hard way, since I had a few thousand images loaded in the queue, only checked the first output image and let the system running… only to find out, that only one image was cropped and I had to stop the entire process.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Open 2 images, let’s say with identical dimensions for ease of use
  2. Set a crop factor in the first image that is previewed, let’s say 8.5 x 11, apply crop
  3. Apply current settings to all via the 3 dots in the bottom image thumbnail
  4. Now click on the second image that it loads up its preview, and you will see, that no crop was applied

I would assume since the function is new and beta that not all parts of the program are adapted, yet.
I hope you can fix this in the next release, as it is impossible to manually set a crop factor for each loaded image (we’re talking tens of thousands of images loaded into Photo AI *g)

Thanks a lot in advance!

Topaz Photo AI v1.3.0 on Windows

This is expected behavior at the moment. We will be thinking about ways to make the Apply Settings to All feature better as there are other shortcomings to it at the moment.

Copying crop to all other images in every case would not be a good solution for all users.

Copying crop to all other images in every case would not be a good solution for all users.

I still hope, you provide that option, at least some way to assign the x to y ratio, one can select. For example 4:3 or something like that. Since, when I process a batch, I know exactly what kind of images I open up for that batch, and what the aspect ratios are. And when I am able to set x to y for one image, that’s the crop factor I would need for all others, as well. Of course still centered (as default) per actual image size, as it does now for the single image.

I’m just talking about copy/apply the crop factor. Not If i start manually dragging / resizing the position and size of the crop rectagle. That such a thing would be difficult to apply to other sizes and aspect ratios is understandable :wink:

Maybe an extra menu entry for that might be interesing (instead of the default apply current to all).
Something like “Apply crop factor to All” (grayed out, of nothing has been set yet, and also grayed out if more than a simple crop factor was set to the image).

Auto-Crop is a fine idea, but I think it’s an additional idea, as auto-crop will not yield the same results, as manually specifying the crop factor (specifically if I already know the exact factor and the files I am going to process, why would I want an auto detection here for this scenario).

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