Now I am upset haha, the 3060 should not be beating my 4080.
Just checked, I am only getting 1.8fps - 2.1fps.
Can you show me your settings? Here’s mine again - v3.1.4
Can we get a Topaz developer to look into this for me? Makes zero sense.
Now I am upset haha, the 3060 should not be beating my 4080.
Just checked, I am only getting 1.8fps - 2.1fps.
Can you show me your settings? Here’s mine again - v3.1.4
Can we get a Topaz developer to look into this for me? Makes zero sense.
Thank you for sharing. This is incredibly frustrating, how is that even possible… Now only getting 1.6 fps
Here’s my ffmpeg command - anything out of the ordinary?
ffmpeg “-hide_banner” “-nostdin” “-y” “-nostats” “-i” “Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 4K DV.mkv” “-sws_flags” “spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int” “-color_trc” “16” “-colorspace” “9” “-color_primaries” “9” “-filter_complex” “tvai_up=model=amq-13:scale=0:w=3840:h=2160:device=0:vram=0.9:instances=1” “-c:v” “hevc_nvenc” “-profile:v” “main” “-preset” “medium” “-pix_fmt” “yuv420p” “-b_ref_mode” “disabled” “-b:v” “0” “-map_metadata” “0” “-movflags” "frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov+use_metadata_tags+write_colr " “-map_metadata:s:v” “0:s:v” “-map_metadata:s:a” “0:s:a” “-c:a” “aac” “-b:a” “192k” “-ac” “2” “-metadata” “videoai=Enhanced using amq-13” “Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 4K”
When you are running this export, how much is your CPU and GPU being utilized?
My GPU at idle is at 9%, when I export this 4k video, it only goes up to 12%, so only a 3% increase of GPU usage when exporting, something is wrong here
what does this?
I think it was vram=0.9 because I was trying a 90$ max memory usage. This is the script for when I am running at 100% max memory usage
ffmpeg “-hide_banner” “-nostdin” “-y” “-nostats” “-i” “Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 4K DV.mkv” “-sws_flags” “spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int” “-color_trc” “16” “-colorspace” “9” “-color_primaries” “9” “-filter_complex” “tvai_up=model=amq-13:scale=0:w=3840:h=2160:device=-2:vram=1:instances=1” “-c:v” “hevc_nvenc” “-profile:v” “main” “-preset” “medium” “-pix_fmt” “yuv420p” “-b_ref_mode” “disabled” “-b:v” “80M” “-map_metadata” “0” “-movflags” "frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov+use_metadata_tags+write_colr " “-map_metadata:s:v” “0:s:v” “-map_metadata:s:a” “0:s:a” “-c:a” “copy” “-metadata” “videoai=Enhanced using amq-13” “Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 4K DV_amq13_temp.mkv”
Did you try uninstall the driver via DDU and reinstall it?
I did exactly that earlier today. The “two RTX 480s” disappeared, then reappeared after installing the latest nvidia drivers.
I just remembered. One time, a driver update bug set my GPU overclocking software to limit the power draw to 2%. It took me days to figure out that that was why my GPU was crippled.
Interesting, what software should I use to confirm % power draw?
This is from NVIDIA Inspector **
Unless you already have software that can set it, I doubt it would happen. Most people use MSI afterburner. I’m using EVGA Precision X1, but I think it only works for EVGA cards. Has anyone suggested getting the latest VBIOS for your specific GPU yet?
isnt nvidia inspector like 100 years old?
What part of this program should I use to add more juice to my video exporting?
If it does not work without oc it will not work with.
In 100% of cases, oc is always unnecessary and just a gimmick.
Reach out to support.
I agree, email support. It’s on most every other Topaz page that’s not the forums. It’s the little chat icon in the bottom right corner.
From your screen shot, it’s set to 100%, but it’s not like the EVGA tool, in that, it does not show the current power draw % by the slider. You can try the hardware monitor: That button on the bottom left button group.
Contrary to what TPX just said, I had EVGA Precision X1 scan for a stable overclock and after applying it, did see a speed increase in TVAI. I don’t usually have it applied, but it’s not just a gimmick when it can cut off half an hour of processing time on long movies.
Waiting to hear back from support. Sent them my logs and system info.
ForSerious, can you confirm you were using the exact same settings and the same Indiana Jones clip I shared to get 2.4fps? Speaking to support and they want confirmation
Yes. I had them the exact same when I got the 2.4fps. It started faster, but dropped as it ran.
Changing the output to PNG held a steady 3.2fps.
Thanks for getting back to me. Support has been great. Their top engineers are looking into this issue.