Processed an underexposed (about 1.4 stops) camera raw file (that was corrected in LR) in Photo AI using “Plugin Extras.” Resulting thumbnail is very dark, but looks normal in Develop module.
Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]
Processed an underexposed (about 1.4 stops) camera raw file (that was corrected in LR) in Photo AI using “Plugin Extras.” Resulting thumbnail is very dark, but looks normal in Develop module.
Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]
Hey @tim30,
Can you share the original CR3 file with us?
Please just let us know when you’ve had a chance to upload this.
Done. I’m wondering if it has to do with a custom profile I used on import. Maybe I’ll try re-importing with a standard Adobe profile.
Try regenerating the preview, remember Photo AI has no idea of the settings you have applied in LR. If you want to see the LR edits you will need to generate a TIFF, JPEG or PNG via the Edit in option.
Hi again @tim30, apologies for the lack of response here, looks like we lost track of this post when we were reorganizing the forums in March – does this behavior still happen, or has it been resolved with any of the updates we’ve released?
Let us know, we’ll be able to get back to you much quicker going forward.