IVTC, but Topaz wants to save as 30 fps instead of 24

As the title states.

If you hit edit on the input file and check the telecined box. Previews/Exports ends up with a sped up video file. I think it’s because of something you have in the script that is forcing 30fps

ffmpeg “-hide_banner” “-t” “114.40000000000002” “-ss” “0” “-i” “E:/Video/Stargate SG1/002 Children of the Gods.mkv” “-sws_flags” “spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int” “-color_trc” “2” “-colorspace” “2” “-color_primaries” “2” “-filter_complex” “fieldmatch,bwdif=mode=0:parity=-1:deint=0,decimate,scale=w=854:h=480,setsar=1” “-c:v” “h264_nvenc” “-profile:v” “high” “-pix_fmt” “yuv420p” “-g” “30” “-preset” “p7” “-tune” “hq” “-rc” “constqp” “-qp” “25” “-rc-lookahead” “20” “-spatial_aq” “1” “-aq-strength” “15” “-b:v” “0” “-map” “0:a?” “-map_metadata:s:a:0” “0:s:a:0” “-c:a” “copy” “-map_metadata” “0” “-map_metadata:s:v” “0:s:v” “-fps_mode” “passthrough” “-map” “0:s?” “-c:s” “copy” “-map_metadata:s:s:0” “0:s:s:0” “-map_metadata:s:s:1” “0:s:s:1” “-map_metadata:s:s:2” “0:s:s:2” “-map_metadata:s:s:3” “0:s:s:3” “-movflags” “frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov+use_metadata_tags+write_colr” “-bf” “0” “E:/Video/Stargate SG1/002 Children of the Gods_756912438.mkv”

I’m not that familiar with ffmpeg scripts. but what is that “-g” “30”

I’d normally be trying this with the .vob file but the update seems to have broken support for interacting with .vob’s.

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