Introduction of Magenta Artifact

In post processing I noticed that some blotches of magenta were introduced into the image that were not present in the original.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. pass in original as NEF file (Nikon D800)
  2. perform noise reduction
  3. whoop there it is
    I see now there is an existing bug with Blue/Purple Artifacts.
    This is probably the same issue.

Topaz Photo AI [v1.4.0] on [Windows]

@kenhall1702a Thanks for reaching out and doing some research.

The magenta artifacts are a known bug with NEF files, similar to the blue/purple ones you pointed out. We’re working on fixing these as a priority this quarter.

Try turning up the Remove Noise slider strengths up slightly or using a different model. That usually fixes it for most users.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we get this fixed for you.

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