Something really wrong with Topaz Video AI. I keep getting Resolution error for anything. 4k videos or Full Hd. 1920x1080 or 4096x2160 or 3840x2160. These are original videos that were produced from Canon Cameras or from an iPhone. Really helpless and disappointed.
In order to troubleshoot this, I will need your logs and your full system profile.
How To Obtain Your System Profile (Windows)
How To Obtain Your System Profile (Mac)
To gather logs, please select Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support and attach the zip file to your reply.
I have already reported, but my message was ignored
If you upload a progressive video file larger than 1GB and longer than 1 hour - then Topaz Video starts working with various errors + Trim function starts to slow down - Inconvenient, because there is no support for up and down arrows
If you upload a “MPEG-TS” video file larger than 1 GB and longer than 1 hour - then Topaz Video starts working with various errors + Trim function starts to slow down - Inconvenient, because there is no support for up and down arrows
logsForSupport.tar.gz (194.6 KB)
logsForSupport1.tar.gz (155.2 KB)
ida.topazlabs, Thanks. I have uploaded the Zip files. Irrespective of the file I choose (4K, Full Hd, mp4, mov, h264, etc) and the AI Operation that I make it is either failing with Resolution Error or Driver Error. This is very frustrating. It only worked (completed its thing) initially for a very low quality dashcam video, it never really worked for the video that it mattered. It is 44 days since I purchased and I cant return
@ reveilebnu That is sad. Looks like you have done some research with file size and duration.
For me nothing works, even a file size of 5 seconds, or trimmed to even 2 seconds, nothing works. I really hope they will get back to my issue.
You have not been ignored.
You have been asked many times to provide more information but you have not provided that information.
request === You have been asked many times to provide more information but you have not provided that information.
- If you upload a progressive video file larger than 1GB and longer than 1 hour - then Topaz Video starts working with various errors + Trim function starts to slow down - Inconvenient, because there is no support for up and down arrows
- If you upload a “MPEG-TS” video file larger than 1 GB and longer than 1 hour - then Topaz Video starts working with various errors + Trim function starts to slow down - Inconvenient, because there is no support for up and down arrows
I have a suspicion - that Topaz Video does not work well with large files due to the “preview”
probably - it processes the entire file and only then shows the desired frame
@ida.topazlabs and @menditsa, could you please respond? Let me know if you need anything else. I have attached the log files as requested. It turns out that at the moment, I cannot get any type of file to get processed successfully. In my log files I have tried with all type of files, so that you have them. Hope that helps. Lets solve this in the best possible positive way. Thank you!!
Can you post a sample of a video you are trying to use.
Hi @menditsa, here is a sample file. It ran for about an 45 minutes and threw “Driver Error”. Attaching both video file, screenshot and corresponding logs.
The video was above 64 Mb, the system did not allowed me to upload. See the attached link to GoogleDrive. IMG_4359-CONV.mp4 - Google Drive
Log Files for this “Driver error”.
logsForSupport.tar.gz (157.8 KB)
Hope you will get back soon. Thanks again!
This is a laptop with a i7-6700HQ CPU and an Nvidia GTX 960M GPU with just 2GB of VRAM.
Your hardware is simply too old and underpowered to be used for anything AI related.
The reason for the errors in my judgement (But may be incorrect) is the software is loading and trying to use a FP16 model which your GPU does not support. Your GPU only supports FP32 / FP 64.
You will need to wait for a Topaz dev to advise you further as there is nothing I can do to help further.
Have you tried to run Benchmark without loading any video’s ?
@menditsa Is unfortunately correct here. We require, at a minimum, 4GB of VRAM in order to use this app and the machine’s CPU was released in 2015, while our cut off for support is 2017.
If you own Topaz Video AI and do not have another machine to use, you will want to reach out to out support team to process a refund.
To be clear, just because you see a similar error message does not mean that the same issue is occurring that is causing the issue.
I am getting “Resolution Error”, “Error” and “AI Error”…
the latest versions are really made things for the worst.
I just got started. the test version allowed me to upscale some video. the paid version does not allow anything so far.
logsForSupport.tar.gz (19.1 KB)
It looks like the app is unable to access the drive “/Volumes/AMOI 8T/”
Could you confirm that this drive is accessible in macOS Finder? If it is, you will need to add the app to the list of apps with “Full Disk Access” in system settings:
System Settings, Privacy & Security, Full Disk Access
I am also receiving this message. Please Find attached the two files you’ve outlined that you need.
Thank you.
DCR - DxDiag 2023-09-10.txt (85.8 KB)
DCR - logsForSupport 2023-09-10.tar.gz (15.9 KB)
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