I can't run protools now that I have installed Topaz Photo AI

Hi, I work audio and video. I use Protools for my audio editing, but after I installed Topas AI Photo, every time I try to open a Protools session, I get this message.

Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 8.36.08 AM

I need my Protools more than I need Topaz Photo. If this is a going to be an issue, please I need to uninstall the software completely.

Thank you.

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

Hey alberto,

You may have already done this but if not I would go through support on this challenge. They respond quickly and I am not sure support responds to bugs through the active community.

It’s a good group and for me they have always responded quickly and remained focused on the challenges.

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If you are still experiencing problems please reach out to us at the following link:

Topaz Labs | Support Page

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