Gigapixel v8.1.2


A patch this week with fixes for Redefine text prompt on Windows, camera profiles for new Raw files, and fixes for Gigaprint.

Please continue to share your images and tests and let us know of any issues you encounter. We’ll be updating Gigapixel regularly to address your feedback.

Thank you!

Released January 15, 2025
Windows: Download
Mac: Download


  • Generative AI model preview now indicates when preview needs to be reprocessed after processing settings are changed
  • Redefine text prompt now correctly applies in local or cloud processing for Windows
  • Fix Redefine text prompt applying to all images in a batch
  • Added camera profiles for Canon R1, Canon R5 Mark II, and Nikon Z6 III Raw files
  • Add Fuji GFX 100S II profile
  • Fix switching from Gigaprint to Edit tab while rendering in Gigaprint
  • Fix credit cost showing incorrectly when attempting cloud render with insufficient credits
  • Update print assistant link to use

Lingyu Kong
Technical Product Manager
Image AI


Thank you for the update. I would like to mention an idea to speed up Gigapixel Redefine. I noticed that Gigapixel tends to re-process an image even if the same image was already processed before with the same setting in the same session. In this case a long re-processing could be avoided by saving the result for each processed combination of settings in a temporary memory. :blush:

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Win 11 laptop. GAI Standalone. NVIDIA 4090 processor (though I suppose that’s irrelevant since I’m trying to run processing in the “Cloud”).

I’ve been waiting over 10 minutes for a single image (16MB) to process in the “Cloud” using GAI Recover. It is still at 0% - the 1st 6 minutes the job was sitting in a queue.

There has been no progress to the Cloud processing. It’s still at 0%.

And the (blankety blank) program debited 26 credits to submit this single image that’s not processing. Something is very wrong. I get sophisticated generative image processing completed in Ps almost instantaneously and they debit me 1 credit per submission.

It just finally completed at 11 minutes.

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So no fix yet for Redefine not working on Apple Mac M series yet then?

The application does save outputs, with limited memory to avoid consuming too much memory. How many images do you view before you notice that the results are no longer saved and reprocessing is needed?

We are working on a fix for the noisy output from Redefine. Currently in testing to ensure it is functioning as intended.

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Hello Lingyu, I noticed this immediately. I processed one single image via Redefine with Face Recovery, after that once again without Face Recovery and when I switched back to the same with Face Recovery it processed again!

Thank you for updating. Much appreciated.

Got it, I was able to reproduce and created a task to fix this. It looks like the caching behavior is affected by the feature to notify when settings are changed.


I have yet to see any difference between Redefine with face recovery and Redefine without!
I think the previous poster was querying whether you’ll be able to achieve faster processing speeds with Redefine on the M series. It’s unbearably slow at present!
Another point. The progress bar for the full previews in Redefine is still pretty useless. ETA on one file I ran was initially 2m, then 55m, the 62m; and it finally completed the task in 35m!

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With RTX 50XX both shaders and Tensor Cores are able to process AI workloads (as far as i understand right).

A full parallel processor.

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Are scholarships available to upgrade processors?


And can they make you a better photographer?

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Not that I know of.

I recently read that millennials were the first and last generation to build their own PCs.

My nephew (15) recently had to have his father help him find the wifi mac address in his smartphone so that I could let him into my wifi, he couldn’t find it himself.

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Preview is nice, export is wrong.

I thought that the starting point might be the problem.

When I generate a preview and in the frame of the preview I have my motif that I describe, the generation is correct (the preview frame is the starting point).

However, if I start the export, I am sure that you start somewhere at the edges (generating the tiles), so the starting point would be incorrect, and therefore the result would be incorrect.

Because the first generation sets the base.

My theory so far.

That’s great! Figures it’s the kids that can do it!!! :wink:

I was at the SFMoMA (art museum) in the past week and there was (essentially) a baby (certainly a very very young toddler) in a carriage tapping away and doing whatever looking at images & videos (not just randomly hitting) on her parent’s phone. I didn’t even learn to read until 1st grade in school.

My spouse built a computer back in the dark ages. But I can’t imagine it was anything like they are now.

Closest I came (with my non-tech background) was spec’ing components for ppl with the skills to custom build for me in the past 2 yrs. I’m jealous of ppl who can do that stuff.

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Not much chance of that! But maybe they could make me a better compositer… (which I love doing).

Yes, and before that we could also even fix our computers ourselves in the good old times where those chips were socketed and not soldered on the mainboard.
Who here has changed an Agnus or Denise chip?

I can’t remember if I made the upscale of this desktop image to 4 k via Gigapixel or Photo a. i. and which version it was, but it is one of those images where we can clearly see the tiling issue / grid pattern effect easily. There were several images messed up by this issue unfortunately.

Gen X. I built my own PC. I built it starting from individual logic gates, created a microcontroller, from there built a microprocessor, and then programmed that in assembly language of my own design.