Gigapixel v4.9.3.2

Hey, David

I would love the see samples if you can provide them, please. I’m curious about the difference. An image is worth a thousand words as they say. Thank you.

Updated to V and I’m getting some odd spots on the 50% zoom preview. I don’t see this on the 100% preview and it gets worse with Max Quality and High memory use for GPU turned on.



Hi Artisan,

Thanks for the heads up and image. Do those spots also show up on the final processed image?

Could you send me the original image this is happening with? Either through PM or email.

Taylor B.

Original jpg Image processed with the same right panel settings in both applications, Manual, Scaled to 6x, Convert file format - Yes, Convert Files To - PNG, Compression - Slow, Face Refinement - On; Preferences at Process images as a background task - Yes, maximum quality AI models - Yes, Enable discrete GPU - No, Enable Intel OpenVINO - Yes. Output image processing time about 3.5 minutes for v4.9.3.2 and about 4.75 for v4.4.6. Saved to source folder each time. Processed images compared and a crop taken from same area in the relative foreground to show the “better and sharper processed output” coming from v4.4.6. I cannot post the files I prepared. How else can I show the differences??? Please help.

Try posting the images now.

Thanks for the heads up but I hope that maybe there is a more straightforward solution without the need to dabble in the Registry?

Is there one @taylor.bishop and @MyunghoonTL ???

Taylor, I remembered seeing this before on another update and when I rebooted my computer the problem went away. I tried this and again the problem went away so its working correctly now.

Please bring the quality of 4.4.5/4.4.6 to the latest version.

Keep me posted on if it continues to occur. This most likely is a driver issue with your GPU. Do you remember which version you started seeing it on?

Unfortunately we don’t plan on adding that preference option back in at this time. Can you send me your logs from the when one of the crashes occurs?

If it’s any consolation, messing with the registry settings for Topaz products is generally safe and won’t affect your machine or install. If you delete them entirely, the product will add a new default entry for it. As long as you don’t start venturing into other registry folders you’ll be fine. I can send you some screenshots on how to change those settings if you’d like.

I believe I saw it about 4 to 6 weeks ago. I do boot up my computer every morning but I have been getting a few video crashes. Thanks.

Hi Taylor

Please can you liaise with Myunghoon as he has the logs and other information already :wink:

Thank you - they are posted

A new version of Gigapixel has been released - it can be found here.


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