Hi there! Please be sure to include your computer’s system profile and your logs from Topaz Photo AI so we can troubleshoot. You can gather your log files from the app by first recreating this behavior within the app, and then going to Help > Open Log Folder. Upload all of these log files to this thread and we can review them.
I’ll be happy to - how can I send them to you? I’m not sure I want to post them publicly. Also, going to ‘Help’ where? In the app, after re-opening it?
Thanks for sending the files Donna. I reviewed and it looks like a crash with the GPU processing.
Can you update to v1.3.7 and let me know if you are still getting this crash? We may have fixed it in the latest version.
We are updating Topaz Photo AI Thursday afternoon US time every week so please continue to keep your application up to date as we continue adding features and fixes to bugs.
You can update by opening Topaz Photo AI and clicking the Update Available button on the top right or downloading a new installer from the downloads page: https://topazlabs.com/downloads/