File size smaller after using Topaz AI

[When I use Topaz AI to improve my image, it always saves as a much smaller file. EG uploaded a 2.5mb file and applied Denoise, Sharpen and expanded from 2970x1980 to 6000x4000 the exported size was only 741kb.]

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

What file type are you trying to Export?

If you can please take a screen recording of this behavior so I can see exactly what is happening.

Loom is a great free application for this: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording

Can you try adjusting the Format option to JPEG and then setting the Quality to 100 to see if this resolves the shift in size?

Thanks John, Your input has solved the issue.

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